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EasyDL image
There is no need for code foundation, complete model development in four simple steps, and complete high-precision AI models as soon as 15 minutes
- Image direction model application -
EasyDL provides an efficient and easy-to-use AI development platform for various industries, in which image models have been widely used in industrial quality inspection, video security and other fields. The following scenario practice tutorials have provided datasets for you to quickly experience the zero code development and implementation of the model.
Landing case
Industrial production quality inspection
Video image monitoring
Retail Product Identification
Professional field research
Image Content Recognition
Industrial production quality inspection
Defect detection
Small defect detection, marking and training defects for original pictures or based on optical imaging pictures, integrating models in detectors or pipelines, assisting manual improvement of quality inspection efficiency and cost reduction
Product assembly qualification inspection
List the possible nonconformities of combined products in assembly line operation, and input sample pictures for training, so as to train a model for automatically judging whether products are qualified or unqualified, and assist in manually judging product quality
Simple four step experience of the whole process, easy access to AI models
Register now to enjoy unlimited free training duration of P4 card and free deployment trial experience
Create model
Understand the functions of different types of models and create the model you want to train
Prepare Data
Upload and mark sample data requiring model identification
Training model
Understand the advantages of different algorithms, and start the training of models with one key
Deploy application
Deploy the model in the cloud, general small devices, local servers
Use Now
Technical capability
Voice technology
Character recognition
Face and Human Body
Image technology
Language and knowledge
video technique