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All customer cases - China Patent Information Center
China Patent Information Center
China Patent Information Center is a public institution directly under the State Intellectual Property Office. The State Intellectual Property Office has granted the management right, use right and operation right of comprehensive services to the Center's patent database.
Use product
Support and communication
AI builds a national intellectual property infringement and counterfeiting clue intelligent detection system
Value achievements
The detection system under China Patent Information Center is connected to Baidu Brain's general character recognition, short text similarity, similar image search and EsayDL image classification technology to accurately classify and extract the user's commodity information to be detected, and then compare it with the corresponding patent information. If it is a clue of infringement and counterfeiting, the clue will be pushed to specific users. By realizing automatic detection, the labor cost of mining infringement and counterfeiting clues is greatly reduced.
Case Story
Core demands
With the in-depth implementation of the innovation driven development strategy, the importance of intellectual property protection has become increasingly prominent. However, in the process of law enforcement, there is still a bottleneck of "low infringement cost and high right protection cost", which is particularly prominent in the governance of intellectual property infringement and counterfeiting in the Internet field. Among them, "difficulty in finding infringement and counterfeiting clues in the e-commerce field" is the main difficulty faced by China Patent Information Center.
After China Patent Information Center has accessed several advanced AI technologies of Baidu Brain, users only need to upload the pictures of suspected infringing products to be verified in the personal patent detection workbench of the station, and the system can judge whether the product has caused infringement on the patent products registered in the existing patent database for users, and feedback the details of the comparison between the two. Thus, the rapid response ability to the products submitted by users for review has been realized, and the industry-leading intelligent detection system for infringement clues in the e-commerce field has been successfully built.
Specific access technology details are as follows:
1. The introduction of Baidu Brain's similar image search, brand logo recognition, and EasyDL image classification technology has realized the function of matching commodity images with images in the image library that most meet the detection standards, and can identify logo brand information.
2. The short text similarity technology of Baidu Brain is introduced to realize the function of comparing the similarity between the text information in the product image uploaded by users and the information in the patent image.
3. The introduction of Baidu Brain's universal character recognition technology can extract all text information and location information from the pictures uploaded by users, thus realizing the detection function of counterfeit information.
As shown in the figure below, after the user uses the infringement detection system in the station, the system uses Baidu similar image search technology to obtain the commodity map registered in the right station database that is similar to the appearance to be detected on the left, and then judges the infringement and counterfeiting based on both information and displays it to the user.
As shown in the following figure, the patent detection system can compare the product information uploaded by users with the information in the patent database by using Baidu short text similarity technology. The red fonts on the left and right sides of the following figure are the content with high similarity between the uploaded product feature information and the patent feature information in the database.
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Technical capability
Voice technology
Character recognition
Face and Human Body
Image technology
Language and knowledge
video technique