information community file
NVIDIA is a computing platform company. Hundreds of millions of computers worldwide use the NVIDIA platform. Every cloud and server manufacturer has NVIDIA and 1.6 million developers.
Use product
Support and communication
Deeply customize the translation model to help AI developers learn without borders
Value achievements
NVIDIA Developer Blog has realized automatic translation of blog full text and broken the language barrier between developers in different countries by accessing Baidu Translate to NVIDIA's deeply customized vertical domain translation model. It has now provided services for nearly 450000 Chinese developers and has promoted the development of NVIDIA's international business.
Case Story
Core demands
NVIDIA Developer Blog is a learning platform that brings together experts in various fields of NVIDIA to provide domestic developers with the latest AI development technology explanations and actual cases. Developers of different native languages will inevitably have reading difficulties when reading blogs. Because of the high professionalism of the blog content, it involves the translation of many proper terms and scientific terms, NVIDIA hopes that Baidu Translation will provide a more professional translation model to improve the accuracy of terminology translation and the intelligibility of specific sentence translation.
Figure 1: Chinese developers open blogs, and the full text is automatically translated into Chinese
Figure 2: The translation result of deep customization in vertical domain is better than that in general domain
Technical capability
Voice technology
Character recognition
Face and Human Body
Image technology
Language and knowledge
video technique