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All customer cases - Trademark Treasure
Trademark Treasure
Trademark Treasure is an intellectual property service platform under Hangzhou, which is committed to promoting the development of intellectual property service industry with AI technology and Internet technology. Focusing on providing users with more intelligent and efficient intellectual property services such as trademarks, copyrights, patents, etc.
Use product
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Improving the efficiency of searching graphic trademarks by searching images
Value achievements
1. Improve the efficiency of trademark search: the traditional graphic trademark search method requires manual screening and judgment in icons containing specific elements. The same icon material can range from tens of millions to hundreds of thousands. Manual screening is costly and inefficient. The mode of manual screening has been upgraded to an intelligent scheme of searching maps with maps, and the search efficiency has been improved exponentially.
2. Remove the interference of subjective factors: everyone has different intuitive feelings of graphics, which will result in different subjective judgments. By using image search technology to extract image features for comparison and judgment, it can effectively avoid the deviation of human subjective judgment and make more objective and neutral judgments.
Case Story
Core demands
The original trademark search method has two core pain points:
1. Low efficiency of manual screening: graphic trademark query has always been a difficulty in the intellectual property industry. The traditional graphic trademark query method requires manual screening to judge the approximate situation of trademarks in the icon list containing specific elements, and needs to be viewed page by page, which is very inefficient.
2. The evaluation standard is too subjective: the expression of graphic design is ever-changing. Even the object of the same thing can be designed into different patterns and applied in different graphic trademarks. Because everyone has different intuitive feelings about graphics, different subjective judgments will be made.
With the access to Baidu similar image search technology, users can quickly retrieve similar graphic trademarks from tens of millions of trademark images. At the same time, tag the existing tens of millions of trademark images, and search accurately in the target vertical category library to further improve the search accuracy and efficiency.
Step 1: The user opens the query page, selects the trademark classification, and uploads the graphic trademark to be queried
Step 2: After uploading and submitting, query and display graphic trademarks with high similarity through Baidu similar image search technology
Step 3: According to the query results, the applicant can judge whether there are similar trademarks in this category to prevent registration disputes
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Technical capability
Voice technology
Character recognition
Face and Human Body
Image technology
Language and knowledge
video technique