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Suitable mining net
Yicai is a website owned by Blacknet Technology Company. Yicai is committed to building a standardized and systematic cross-border online B2B toy and gift trading platform to provide customers with convenient and efficient new services.
Use product
Support and communication
Image search technology helps overseas trade opportunities
Value achievements
1. Through the access to Baidu AI's "product image search" technology, Yicai allows customers to quickly find the core demands of needed products by "taking pictures and samples", thus greatly reducing the human resources and time costs of manually finding samples for customers according to pictures in the traditional toy e-commerce industry.
2. At the same time, it also reduces the communication barriers such as language/words that may appear in the communication link of overseas purchasers, and improves the transaction efficiency. Compared with the traditional channels, the conversion rate is 30% higher, the number of selected items is increased by 70%, and the customer price is increased by 20% through the way of "taking pictures to find samples".
Case Story
Core demands
The key link in toy B2B e-commerce industry transactions is to help customers find the goods they want. In the past, manual sampling took too long and the search scope was not comprehensive and accurate. In cross-border transactions, customers often cannot accurately describe the products they are interested in consulting and purchasing due to different languages. Caiyi hopes to help customers quickly lock products on the platform through product image search technology.
Through the product image search technology, Yicai has realized the function of "taking pictures and finding samples", and replaced language with pictures. It has solved the problem of time-consuming manual sample finding and inaccurate cross language communication description on the toy B2B e-commerce platform, improved the efficiency of customers' fund finding, and improved the exposure rate and transaction conversion of similar products in the platform.
The specific implementation process is as follows:
Step 1: First, the user accesses the official website of Yicai (essa. cn), and then click the "take pictures and find samples" button on the camera logo;
Step 2: The user selects to take photos or upload pictures to find similar toys;
Step 3: Yicai will return to the search results page after quickly calling the interface of Baidu AI's "product image search" function and analyzing the images, so that customers can select the desired products.
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Technical capability
Voice technology
Character recognition
Face and Human Body
Image technology
Language and knowledge
video technique