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What are website programs and website templates? What does it matter?

Tianxing Studio 2016-02-27 23:04 course six thousand one hundred and fifty-eight 3 Comments

A customer asked me this question today: Template What does it have to do with the program? What is a program and what is a template?

Think about first contact website % of users may not be particularly clear about this concept, so this article tries to explain this problem. In fact, according to past experience, the simpler things are, the harder it is to explain them, so I can only explain them as far as I can.

Let's use a metaphor.

A website is like a character in a game. Selecting a program is like selecting a person's attributes. Different programs can present different attributes, such as men, women, soldiers, wizards, etc. The template is like putting clothes on this person. For the same person, we can choose different clothes. Today is rock and roll, and tomorrow is small and fresh.

The above metaphor is not particularly appropriate. It probably means that.

Not metaphorically, back to the problem itself, we need to build a website. If it is a blog website, we can choose a blog program( zblog emlog Information websites can choose cms programs( dedecms , Empire, etc.), the forum can select the forum program (dz, etc.). So the program deals with website functions (publishing articles, member management, etc.).

After the program has selected the template, for example, if you like red, you can choose a red template, if you like simplicity, you can choose a simple template, etc. The template is to show the content of the website to website visitors, and let your website content be better displayed to users through the layout and color matching of the template.

That's probably what it means

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yes three Comments from netizens:

  •  Little Luck

    Little Luck Seven years ago (2017-11-03) reply

    How long does it take for the website program to upload in the FTP software?

  •  nobird

    nobird 8 years ago (2016-03-05) reply

    It really takes a lot of trouble to meet such customers -

  •  Red copper furnace

    Red copper furnace 8 years ago (2016-02-28) reply

    The website program refers to the code base used by the website. Generally, I will explain that the website uses the PHP program, uses zblogPHP as the CMS for content management, and then uses different templates to display the content you want to present!

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