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Self built image/attachment static file storage using ImgURL free graphic bed program

Recently, due to the problem of Sina's free anti-theft chain for mapping beds (in any case, there is feedback that it is not easy to use), many netizens will choose to build their own mapping beds. If there are not many pictures, we can use some free storage such as Qiniu and Youpai Cloud. If the budget is acceptable and we want to be more stable and secure, we will choose Alibaba Cloud OSS, Tencent Cloud COS, Qiniu Cloud and other professional paid storage( The Importance of Self built Map Bed Seen from the Recent Instability of Sina Map Bed )。

In view of the cost, some netizens will choose a cheap VPS server to build their own map bed through free image programs. A few days ago, Lao Zuo and Xiao Z talked about his ImgURL, a drawing bed program. I was free to introduce it to him so that more people could use it. This map bed program is still used by many users. It should be perfect in terms of installation and functions. I think it has been maintained for some time.

Today, Lao Zuo took some time to find his own test server and install ImgURL Free graphic bed program See if the installation process of this program is complicated and how easy it is to use. Finally, if there is a need for users to see whether it is suitable for their own use.

I. ImgURL program and installation environment

1. Program address


2. Installation environment

PHP5.6+, PDO_SQLite, GD2, ImageMagick, fileinfo, pathinfo, because the program is developed using the CodeIgniter framework, you must first configure the pseudo static. The Apache pseudo static file. htaccess is used directly in the root directory, and Nginx pseudo static needs to be configured by yourself.

location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$ query_string;
location ~* \. (db3|json)$ {
deny all;
location ~* ^/(temp|upload|imgs|data|application|static|system)/.*. (php|php5)$ {
return 403;

In this way, we can start the installation after we prepare the required WEB environment and throw in the source code.

Second, ImgURL free graphic bed program installation

1. Installation Path

Installation address: our map bed website/install/? setup=1

2. Check whether it conforms to

 Self built image/attachment static file storage using ImgURL free graphic bed program - the first

The initial detection environment does not support it, so go and solve it first.

 Self built image/attachment static file storage using ImgURL free graphic bed program - 2nd

After installation, we can use it directly.

Third ImgURL map bed Use of procedures

After simple installation, we can use this map bed to support tourists to upload 10 maps every day. This depends on the function of building a map bed. If we want to learn some websites to build a copyright free map library website, it is also possible. If we build our own map bed for our own use, we should not allow tourists to upload it, because it is really troublesome to review images or manage them later.

 Use of ImgURL mapping program

You can manage pictures in the background of the map bed. The official test address is also provided here, so I will not provide it.

Test address:
Account No.: xiaoz

In conclusion, even if I use the map bed built by the server, we need to back up the server regularly. Because when using the server, the data must be managed by itself.

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