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Zblog function

Introduction to the parameters and usage of the function GetCategoryList for zblog to obtain all categories
 Introduction to the parameters and usage of the function GetCategoryList for zblog to obtain all categories

The "GetCategoryList" function of zblog is used to obtain the classification list collection data. The function is constructed on line 2994 of "zblogphp. php". As shown in the following figure: function parameter: $select array; Obtain the specified data$ Where array, data acquisition restriction rule $order array, data acquisition collation$ Limit array to obtain the data quantity limit$ Option array

Zblog function 2023-03-30 six hundred and fourteen 0 Comments

Zblog function GetCommentByID: Get comment object data through comment ID
 Zblog function GetCommentByID: Get comment object data through comment ID

Tianxing Studio has previously introduced the "GetCommentList" function to obtain the comment list. To obtain a specified single comment, you need to use the "GetCommentByID" function introduced in this article. The GetCommentByID function is constructed in about 3609 lines of the "zblogphp. php" file. Function parameter: $id: integer type, which is the comment id of the data to be obtained; Function output: output an obj

Zblog function 2022-07-28 one thousand three hundred and ninety-one 0 Comments

Zblog function GetCategoryByID: Obtain classification object data through classification ID
 Zblog function GetCategoryByID: Obtain classification object data through classification ID

The "GetCategoryByName" function was introduced earlier. It uses the classification name to obtain the classification object data. However, the classification name may be duplicate, so it is more recommended to use the "GetCategoryByID" function to obtain the object data of this classification through the classification ID. The classification id is unique and not prone to errors. The GetCategoryByID function is constructed in the "zblogp

Zblog function 2022-07-24 nine hundred and fifty-two 0 Comments

Zblog Get the GET/POST equivalent function "GetVars" parameters and how to use them
 Zblog Get the GET/POST equivalent function "GetVars" parameters and how to use them

The "GetVars" function of zblog is used to obtain GET, POST and other data values. The function is constructed on line 519 of "c_system_common. php". As shown in the following figure: function parameter: $name: string, which is required to obtain the name of the value$ Type: Word

Zblog function 2022-06-14 one thousand one hundred and sixty-four 0 Comments

Zblog Get Tag List Function GetTagList Parameters and Usage Description
 Zblog Get Tag List Function GetTagList Parameters and Usage Description

The "GetTagList" of zblog is used to obtain tag tag collection data. The function is constructed on line 2641 of "zblogphp. php". As shown in the following figure: function parameter: $select array; Obtain the specified data$ Where array, data acquisition restriction rule $order array, data acquisition collation$ Limit array to obtain the data quantity limit$ Option array, additional restriction options

Zblog function 2022-06-06 one thousand three hundred and ninety 0 Comments

Zblog Get Comment List Function GetCommentList Parameter and Usage
 Zblog Get Comment List Function GetCommentList Parameter and Usage

The GetCommentList function of zblog is used to obtain the list of website comment data. The function is constructed in line 2914 of "zblogphp. php". As shown in the following figure: function parameter: $select array; Obtain the specified data$ Where array, data acquisition restriction rules

Zblog function 2022-05-23 one thousand and sixty 0 Comments

GetPageList of zblog function obtains page data
 GetPageList of zblog function obtains page data

The GetPageList function of zblog is used to obtain page data [page in background page management]; The function is constructed on line 2881 of "zblogphp. php". As shown in the following figure: function parameter: $select: array; Obtain the specified data$ Where: array, data acquisition

Zblog function 2022-05-14 one thousand and seventy-two 0 Comments

FormatString of zblog function

The FormatString function is used to filter strings. It is usually used to filter the content submitted by users. The function is constructed on line 1476 of "c_system_common. php". Function example:<? php echo FormatString($source, $para);  ?> Function parameter: $s

Zblog function 2022-05-04 nine hundred and thirty-one 0 Comments

GetCategoryByName of zblog function: Obtain classification data by classification name
  GetCategoryByName of zblog function: Obtain classification data by classification name

GetCategoryByName is a function that obtains classification data by classification name. The function is constructed in line 3312 of "zblogphp. php". As follows: function parameter: $name: string type, classification name, required item$ Type: string type, sorting type, which can be added to query by specified sorting, optional; Function output: output an object object whose contents are all values of the specified classification. Give

Zblog function 2022-04-12 seven hundred and seventy-seven 0 Comments

GetTagByID of the zblog function gets the specified tag data

The GetTagByID function obtains the tag instance (object) through the tag ID. The function is constructed in line 3707 of "zblogphp. php". An example of using the function is as follows: $zbp ->GetTagByID ($id); Function parameter: $id: numeric type, ID of tag/tag, which is a required value; Function output: output an object object whose contents are all the

Zblog function 2022-03-29 seven hundred and fifty-six 0 Comments

Zbp_is_mobile of zblog function determines the mobile terminal

The function zbp_is_mobile is used to determine whether the mobile phone is on the mobile phone. The function is constructed in line 2394 of "c_system_common. php". An example of the function is as follows://native php<? Php if (zbp_is_mobile()) {echo 'Here

Zblog function 2022-03-13 one thousand and thirty-two 0 Comments

GetPostByID of the zblog function obtains the information of a single specified article

The GetPostByID function is used to obtain the article instance (object) through the article ID. The function is constructed in line 3282 of "zblogphp. php". An example of using the function is as follows: $zbp ->GetPostByID ($id); Function parameter: $id: numeric type, article id, this parameter is a required value

Zblog function 2022-03-09 nine hundred and eighty-six 0 Comments

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