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Reprint: ytcms advanced tutorial Niu X's ytcms

Tianxing Studio 2015-02-06 23:19 course seven thousand two hundred and seventy-four 1 Comments

After reading an article, I found: Well, zblog + ytcms Really omnipotent

This article is reproduced from the official of the author "Yu Ting" of ytcms website The post bar made with zblog, Niu X. Those who are interested can look around:

The contents are as follows:

Traverse all classification sets:

 <!-- {foreach Category Categorys}--> <!-- {if isObject(Category)}--> <!-- {if Category.ID<>0}--> <li><a href="{$Category.Url}">{$Category.Name}</a></li> <!-- {/if}--> <!-- {/if}--> <!-- {/next}-->

Get the subcategory with classification ID 5:

 <!-- {eval ID = 5}--> <!-- {foreach Category Categorys}--> <!-- {if isObject(Category)}--> <!-- {if Category.ParentID = ID}--> <li><a href="{$Category.Url}">{$Category.Name}</a></li> <!-- {/if}--> <!-- {/if}--> <!-- {/next}-->

General header acquisition keyword describe (Note: Meta plug-in is required, and the module name to be created in YTCMS is: keywords, description):

 <!-- {eval isSingle = isNumeric("<#article/id#>")}--> <!-- {eval isCatalog = isNumeric("<#articlelist/category/id#>")}--> <!-- {if isSingle}--> <!-- {YT:Article DataSource="GetArticleModel('<#article/id#>')" Name="a"}--> <!-- {eval meta_keywords = a.Meta.GetValue("keywords")}--> <!-- {eval meta_description = a.Meta.GetValue("description")}--> <!-- {if len(meta_keywords) = 0}--> <!-- {eval meta_keywords = a.TagToName}--> <!-- {/if}--> <!-- {if len(meta_description) = 0}--> <!-- {eval meta_description = left(TransferHTML(a.Content,"[nohtml][html-format]"),75)}--> <!-- {/if}--> <!-- {/YT:Article}--> <!-- {elseif isCatalog}--> <!-- {if isObject(Categorys("<#articlelist/category/id#>"))}--> <!-- {eval meta_keywords = Categorys("<#articlelist/category/id#>").Meta.GetValue("keywords")}--> <!-- {eval meta_description = Categorys("<#articlelist/category/id#>").Meta.GetValue("description")}--> <!-- {if len(meta_keywords) = 0}--> <!-- {eval meta_keywords = Categorys("<#articlelist/category/id#>").Name}--> <!-- {/if}--> <!-- {if len(meta_description) = 0}--> <!-- {eval meta_description = Categorys("<#articlelist/category/id#>").Name}--> <!-- {/if}--> <!-- {/if}--> <!-- {else}-- > <!-- {eval meta_keywords = LoadFromFile(BlogPath&"zb_users/include/keywords.asp","utf-8")}--> <!-- {eval meta_keywords = TransferHTML(meta_keywords,"[nohtml][html-format]")}--> <!-- {eval meta_keywords = replace(replace(meta_keywords,chr(10),""),chr(13),"")}--> <!-- {eval meta_description = LoadFromFile(BlogPath&"zb_users/include/description.asp","utf-8")}--> <!-- {eval meta_description = TransferHTML(meta_description,"[nohtml][html-format]")}--> <!-- {eval meta_description = replace(replace(meta_description,chr(10),""),chr(13),"")}--> <!-- {/if}--> <meta name="description" content="{$meta_description}" /> <meta name="keywords" content="{$meta_keywords}" />

Save the data recycled by YTCMS to generate an XML file:

 <? xml version="1.0" encoding="gb2312"?> <player showDisplay="yes" showPlaylist="no" autoStart="no"> <!-- {YT:Article DataSource="GetArticleCategorys(5,'12')"}--> <song path="{$BlogHost&url}" title="{$Article.Title}"/> <!-- {/YT:Article}--> </player> <% htm = replace(htm,"{::vbcrlf}",vbcrlf) htm = replace(htm,"{::vblf}",vblf) htm = replace(htm,"{::vbcr}",vbcr) htm = TransferHTML(htm,"[html-japan]") Call SaveToFile(BlogPath&"mp3.xml",htm,"gb2312",False) %>

Get 5 articles under each category:

 <!-- {foreach Category Categorys}--> <!-- {if Category.ID<>0}--> {YT:Article DataSource="GetArticleCategorys(5,Category.ID)"} [<a href="{$Category.Url}">{$Category.Name}</a>]<a href="{$Article.Url}">{$Article.Title}</a> {/YT:Article} <!-- {/if}--> <!-- {/next}-->
Another sigh: It's really bursting

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yes one Comments from netizens:

  •  A rainy night

    A rainy night Nine years ago (2015-02-28) reply

    Is this the PHP version? Come and learn. I can't understand..

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