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The gossip is that zblogphp version 1.4 is coming soon
 The gossip is that zblogphp version 1.4 is coming soon

The leader of zblog is called "pig". Why? Because his surname is Zhu The beta version of zblogphp1.4 has been released to beta12 so far. Pig said that it would be next year (next year refers to 2015, because it is calculated according to the lunar year, and there is no explanation...). I am due to

diary 2015-01-27 four thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine 1 Comments

Part I of 2015

What should I write in the first article in 2015? Planning? Looking back on last year? Fa Fa still sighs and calculates. This "Tianxing Studio" website needs to change the template. This template has been used for more than a year, and there is nothing new. Now it is still a computer theme and a mobile phone theme. The next theme must be adaptive. At that time, this set of theme will be sold well, quack quack Last year, I worked on various topics for various customers, met good customers, and also met wonderful customers, and

diary 2015-01-03 four thousand five hundred and sixty-nine 4 Comments

Start tossing emlog
 Start tossing emlog

I bought the following domains at one go: zblog. wang,, pjblog. wang, But until now, I have only been working on this program zblog. I haven't touched other programs at all. I have been a little idle recently, so I want to try it. Then try it. Start with emlog. Download Program

diary 2014-12-22 seven thousand seven hundred and twenty-six 4 Comments

Record again and go online again

After experiencing the "cn domain name dead person filing was cancelled for no reason", I was not prepared to file. I thought about using a foreign host, but I was quite speechless. After replacing a foreign host computer, the first thing is that the shopping button can't be used, saying that the website without records will not be used; The domain name bound to the host of the second agent also failed, saying that the domain name not registered will not be bound; Then the number of Baidu gradually decreased (this may be related to the instability of foreign hosts). What's more, the number of foreign hosts is only 1

diary 2014-09-27 five thousand four hundred and seventy-nine 1 Comments

The toss wap template is good for toss people
 The toss wap template is good for toss people

He has always wanted to toss out a wap template, but the adaptive feeling can not meet the needs of Tianxing Studio. Fortunately, the doctor has created a dual theme plug-in: one theme on the PC side, and another theme on the mobile side. After seeing this plug-in, I decided to start it. It took me two days to make the first version. Well, html5 and css3 are not very skilled. The framework of the whole website

diary 2014-09-01 five thousand and three hundred 0 Comments

Cn domain name is cancelled without reason

It's really hard to look back: I received an email in the early morning yesterday saying that the registration of my website "www.txcstx. cn" was cancelled, and the host service provider shut down my website again! I am not in the mood to sleep, and I am afraid of disturbing the children. At 6 o'clock in the morning, I hurried to open the computer to check the details. I found that the website could not be opened. I carefully looked at the email and found that it was just a reminder. Why

diary 2014-08-28 eight thousand seven hundred and two 2 Comments

I'm back. It's hard to say

It's hard to say for more than a week. Duel is killing me! The child suddenly has a fever. According to previous experience (physical cooling below 38.5 ℃, drug control above 38.5 ℃), the child and his wife will not work one day and one night. And the body temperature kept hovering around 39.4 ℃ the next day, which was very frightening. I took my baby to Hubei Maternity and Children's Hospital for examination. The blood count was very high, more than 20. It was said that the inflammation was serious

diary 2014-08-05 four thousand eight hundred and thirty-two 1 Comments

Bought a win8 tablet to play the updated version of Kubi Rubik's Cube iwork8
 Bought a win8 tablet to play the updated version of Kubi Rubik's Cube iwork8

I bought a Samsung i917 and Windows Phone 7 system the year before last, and I really like it after using it for a while. Personally, I think the Modern interface is taller, but there are too few software available, and it is not easy to use. Later, I changed to Android. I don't know when I wanted to buy a Win8 tablet to play with. I think the love of digital products is a common problem of most men. With the birthday as a reason, I reported to my wife for approval. After her approval, I started

diary 2014-07-27 eight thousand nine hundred and sixteen 3 Comments

Come and complain
 Come and complain

Recently, I was working on a zblog template and learned from a WordPress website. I encountered some things in the process of doing it that made me feel uncomfortable, so I came up to complain about them. First of all, my level may be too low, and I don't know the meaning of writing so much code with so many js and so many css (as shown in the figure below)?? Image above: Just this

diary 2014-06-29 five thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight 4 Comments

I don't have much time to surf the Internet when I go back home from vacation. Sorry

The store is in the university. The university is over for the summer vacation, and the store has no business to follow. For the sake of my daughter's happy childhood, I took my daughter back to my hometown for the summer vacation. The daughter who came back to her hometown was really much happier. She played in a very large place. The whole village ran everywhere. The air was good and the food was fresh. En was in a good mood when she saw her daughter's smiling face. I bought a wireless access card on the Internet before I went back. I thought it would be enough for 200 hours a month, but when I came back, I found that

diary 2014-06-25 five thousand and twenty-one 2 Comments

Tell me about your recent experience

Recently, I have been tossing about a theme in the "Tianxing Studio Customized Theme Blue cms". This theme was made with some thought, but because of the need to use ytcms plug-in support, and ytcms is a paid plug-in (15 yuan each), the user said that this theme was fooled when selling the first one because it did not indicate that ytcms support was needed. ⊙ ﹏ ⊙ B Khan later thought that the theme didn't sell well because

diary 2014-06-17 five thousand eight hundred and ninety-five 6 Comments

How can I get articles from Sina blog/Netease blog to zblog?

This is a funny article, but it reflects a problem. The reason is that one user posted on the official zblog forum and asked, "How do I back up Sina blog articles to ZBLOG?"? Answer: ctrt+c, ctrt+v

diary 2014-06-07 six thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight 6 Comments

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