Teach you to retrieve the files deleted by mistake in the recycle bin

informal essay six thousand five hundred and sixty-one 14 years ago (2011-02-21)

Without any software, you can find it recycle bin Misdeleted files in

1. Click“ Start&mdash& mdash; Run, and then enter regedit (open the registry)

2. Expand in sequence: HEKEY&mdash& mdash;LOCAL——MACHIME/SOFTWARE/MICROSOFT/WINDOWS/

CURRENTVERSION/EXPLORER/DESKTOP/nAMESPACE Click“ outside the left blank; New”, Select:“ Primary Key”, Name it“ 645FFO40—& mdash;5081——101B——9F08——00AA002F954E”

Put the“ on the right; Default” The primary key value of is set to“ Recycle Bin”, Then exit the registry. OK. 3. To restart your computer As long as your machine has not run defragmentation. The system is intact. Files can be found at any time.