No network provider accepts the specified network path

informal essay ten thousand four hundred and eighty 13 years ago (2011-12-22)

Just went to share The server Download the file, but it can't be connected in any way. The prompt "No network provider accepts the specified network path" reminds me that a service has not been started. After searching on the Internet, it's really the problem. After starting three services, it can be connected. Solution: 1. Right click My Computer - Manage, select the service on the left, find the three services "workstation", "server" and "computer browser" in the service window, right click the attribute, select Automatic or Manual, and then start the service. 2. When the "workstation" and "server" services cannot be started, enter the SYSTEM32/DRIVERS folder in someone else's computer system and find RDBSS SYS and MRXSMB SYS file. Copy to the corresponding location of your system. Start the "workstation" service. 3. Uninstall the network card and reinstall it. 4. Select "Microsoft network client" and "Microsoft network file and printer sharing" in the network connection properties, and click "OK".