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Notes on website operation and maintenance

Tools Resources Page 3

 Which is easier to use, phpwind or discuz| Lao Zuo's Notes

Which is easier to use, phpwind or discuz?

PHPWind and Discuz are currently well-known forum programs in China. If we need to do community forum websites, we will choose them. However, there are some differences between the two. Here we will simply sort them out. 1. Development language PHPWind: PHPWind is developed using PHP language, and MySQL is used as the later

 How about the theme of THE7? WordPress The7 Theme Function Introduction | Lao Zuo's Notes

How about the theme of THE7? WordPress The7 Theme Function Introduction

The 7 theme is one of the most popular multi-purpose WordPress themes on the ThemeForest platform. It has many advantages and functions. The following is a comprehensive evaluation of the theme of The7: 1. The multifunctional theme of The7 is applicable to various types of websites, including enterprises, blogs, e-commerce, photography collections, etc. No matter you

 What is Rock Linux? Sort out the features and functions of the Rock system | Lao Zuo's notes

What is Rock Linux? Sort out the features and functions of the Rock system

Rock Linux is an open source Linux distribution build tool. Its main goal is to provide users with a highly customizable Linux distribution building framework, so that users can build their own personalized Linux distributions according to their needs and preferences. The functions and features of Rock Linux are as follows: 1. Customizable

 Differences and function comparison between XFTP and XSHELL | Lao Zuo's notes

Differences and function comparison between XFTP and XSHELL

In the previous article, Lao Zuo introduced the operation and maintenance tools needed in the operation and maintenance of Linux servers. FTP and SSH tools are provided. Among them, a netizen asked whether XFTP and XSHELL tools are different. In fact, there are differences between the two tools. 1. XFTP has different functions. XFTP mainly focuses on FTP tools, which connect the server with

 Three Methods to Implement Windows DNS Refresh Command | Lao Zuo's Notes

Three Methods to Implement Windows DNS Refresh Commands

Do we often encounter that the website fails to take effect after resolving the new IP address? This is actually the DNS cache problem of our local computer. We can refresh the DNS cache to solve this problem, otherwise we need to wait a long time to update the resolution direction. 1. Use the ipconfig command to refresh the DNS cache: Open the command prompt (CMD

 10 Steps to Complete the SecureCRT Installation Tutorial | Lao Zuo's Notes

Complete the SecureCRT installation tutorial in 10 steps

SecureCRT is a powerful SSH and Telnet client software that provides secure remote access to the server. If you are interested in how to install SecureCRT, the following is a detailed installation tutorial. Step 1: Download the SecureCRT software. Before starting the installation, you need to download the SecureCRT software from the official website

 The reason and solution of putty connection timeout | Lao Zuo's notes

Causes and solutions of push connection timeout

Putty, A commonly used ECS SSH connection tool, but do we encounter timeout when Putty SSH often connects to the server. What is the problem. 1. The server is unstable. If our server is unstable and the network is unstable, PUTTY may appear after connecting to the server for a period of time

 Record the process of installing yarn by ubuntu (package manager sharing code) | Lao Zuo's notes

Record the process of installing yarn by ubuntu (package manager with shared code)

Yarn is a modern package manager used to manage dependencies of JavaScript projects. It provides a fast, secure, and reliable way to download, install, and manage the code packages required by the project. Compared with the traditional npm package manager, Yarn improves performance and reliability, and introduces some additional functions. following...

 Check the difference between free and charged SSL certificates (how should we choose SSL certificates) | Lao Zuo's notes

Check the difference between free and charged SSL certificates (how should we choose SSL certificates)

Nowadays, many of our friends should stop worrying about whether to use SSL certificates for HTTPS encrypted access to websites and businesses, because most of us currently need SSL certificates, otherwise many browsers and devices do not support them. It is difficult to decide whether to use free SSL or paid SSL. In fact, if our ordinary personal website business is concerned, in fact