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Tools Resources Page 2

 Reasons and solutions for the failure of PHPStudy Apache to start | Lao Zuo's notes

Reasons and solutions for failure to start PHP Studio Apache

For most of our Win client users, PHP Studio software is still used to debug PHP programs locally. However, there may be some problems in use. For example, you often encounter the problem that Apache cannot start. This may be caused by a port conflict. We need to check the following details.   1、...

 Inventory WordPress Block Editor Command Shortcut Keys Efficient Use of Open Source CMS | Lao Zuo's Notes

Inventory WordPress Block Editor Command Shortcut Keys Efficient Use of Open Source CMS

There is no doubt that WordPress is one of the mainstream open source CMS programs. According to official statistics, more than one third of the websites in the world use WP. We see that there are many practical WPs around and on our own websites. The Gutenberg block editor used by WP now is relatively easy to use. If we want to use high efficiency, we still need to use their shortcut

 What are the code management tools? These 7 familiar code management tools | Lao Zuo's notes

What are the code management tools? These 7 familiar code management tools

For our friends in program development, having a good code management tool can improve work efficiency and collaboration efficiency. Which code management tool do we usually use? Like GIT or something else? Here Lao Zuo collates 7 commonly used code management tools to see what their characteristics are. 1. Git Git is the most popular distributed version at present

 Differences and characteristics between Redis and MySQL | Notes by Lao Zuo

Differences and characteristics between Redis and MySQL

Redis and MySQL are commonly used Linux business databases, but there are differences between them. Here, Lao Zuo simply sorted out the characteristics and differences between the two databases. 1. Data storage mode: Redis is a key value storage database based on memory. Data is stored in memory, so reading and writing speed is very fast. It also supports counting

 Simply record the difference between SQLite3 and MySQL | Lao Zuo's notes

Simply record the difference between SQLite3 and MySQL

Generally, we may use the MYSQL database frequently, but do we know about the SQLite database? This is a portable database that does not have separate data files, but is managed in the same root directory with the business server, which is suitable for lightweight businesses. MySQL and SQLite are two different types of relational database management systems

 Differences and Comparison between PolarDB and MySQL | Lao Zuo's Notes

Differences and comparisons between PolarDB and MySQL databases

PolarDB is a high-performance, highly available cloud native relational database solution provided by Alibaba Cloud, while MySQL is a widely used open source relational database management system. Which of the two databases mentioned by some friends is better? Here are some differences and comparisons between PolarDB and MySQL: 1. Architecture

 How to obtain XShell7 activation key and activation method | Lao Zuo's notes

How to obtain XShell7 activation key and activation method

There are many free SSH tools available for the O&M server on the market, but in comparison, we may have used XShell SSH tools. However, if we use it for home or student purposes, we can use the free version. But if it is used for enterprise or business, you must purchase the business license, otherwise it is easy to have disputes. How can we obtain genuine

 Which is the best way to register overseas mailboxes? Recommended by the foreign trade enterprise post office | Lao Zuo's notes

Which is the best way to register overseas mailboxes? Recommended by the foreign trade enterprise post office

Nowadays, most of our foreign trade business contacts customers and communicates business through the post office. In the past, we may use free email, but now we still use corporate email. After all, using the corporate email can highlight the brand of the enterprise, and do not worry about the risk of being written off by the free email. There are more foreign trade mailboxes or overseas businesses, so we need to register overseas mailboxes. Here the sea

 What is kubesphere? Compare the difference between kubesphere and k8s | Lao Zuo's notes

What is kubesphere? Compare the difference between kubesphere and k8s

KubeSphere is an open source multi cloud management platform and container platform, which is built on Kubernetes and provides users with a set of tools and functions to simplify the deployment, operation, maintenance and expansion of container applications. KubeSphere can help enterprises achieve fast delivery and efficient management of container applications. It provides

 XShell SSH official website download address (difference between free and commercial payment) | Lao Zuo's notes

XShell SSH official website download address (difference between free and commercial payment)

There are many SSH client software on the market, including free and paid ones. Of course, our ordinary individual users prefer free software. For a large number of free SSH software on the market, we are still very picky, and need good appearance and stability. XShell SSH software is one of them. For home and school users, it is free, and for commercial purposes, it is necessary to grant

 What is OpenShift? Organize OpenShift's features | Lao Zuo's notes

What is OpenShift? Organize the features of OpenShift

OpenShift is a cloud native application platform based on containerization and open source technology, developed and maintained by Red Hat (now IBM). It provides a complete set of tools and functions for building, deploying and managing container applications. The main functions and features of OpenShift include: 1. Container orchestration Open

 FTP connection host appears

The FTP connection host has the problem of "227 Entering Passive Mode"

Here, when we use FTP client to connect to the host, we often have some problems that cannot be connected, and even report errors. For example, when FTP connects to a site, the error message "227 Entering Passive Mode" usually indicates that the FTP client cannot establish a data connection. To solve this problem, you can try the following