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How to manually renew SSL For Free Let's Encrypt certificate

Lao Zuo is in“ Use SSL For Free tool to obtain Let's Encrypt free SSL certificate in 3 minutes "The article introduces the SSL For Free online tool, which can quickly obtain the Let's Encryption certificate in a short period of time. Because the Let's Encryption certificate needs to be replaced in a 90 day period before it can continue to be used for free, this tool is not suitable for long-term website projects.

When we set up the website WEB environment, whether it is a panel or a one click installation package without a panel, we usually have a Let's Encryption certificate installed, which is automatically renewed. Unless there is a problem with our system, sometimes it is really impossible to renew the contract normally. However, if the environment is unable to automatically renew the certificate for short-term projects, you can only manually renew the certificate when using SSL For Free.

Just as the certificate obtained by the online tool used by the company's project in this article needs to be renewed manually, Lao Zuo also recorded it incidentally. If you need it, you can refer to it.

First, check and click the renewal button

 How to manually renew SSL For Free Let's Encrypt certificate - 1

Generally, SSL For Free will send us an email about a week before the expiration to notify us that the expiration is imminent. We can log in to the background to see the domain names in the list that are about to expire, and directly click RENEW.

Second, verify ownership

 How to manually renew the SSL For Free Let's Encrypt certificate - sheet 2

Here we normally need to verify the domain name ownership. In fact, it is similar to the previous new application.

 How to manually renew the SSL For Free Let's Encrypt certificate - sheet 3

You need to download two files and replace them in the corresponding directory. If we have installed them before, they should not be deleted. Finally, click the button to verify and download.

 How to manually renew the SSL For Free Let's Encrypt certificate - sheet 4

Third, download certificates and updates

 Download Let's Encrypt free certificate

Here we can see the new certificate and KEY, merge CA_bundle.crt into certificate.crt, and then replace the KEY and CRT files in the SSL file of our existing site. Finally, we restart NGINX.

/etc/init.d/nginx restart

The new SSL certificate can take effect after Nginx is restarted.

Fourth, check certificates and delete old certificates

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Here we can see the new certificate, and the old certificate can be deleted.

 How to manually renew the SSL For Free Let's Encrypt certificate - sheet 7

Open the website to see that the certificate has been updated for another 90 days.

In conclusion, it is convenient to apply for the SSL FOR FREE tool, but if it is not convenient to build a website or use it for a long time, we can use the automatic certificate mode, which is suitable for temporary use.

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