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Comprehensive comparison of Tencent Cloud, Baidu Cloud and Alibaba Cloud CDN network acceleration services

Today, there are more and more domestic and foreign host service providers and cloud host products that our users can choose, and the cost is getting lower and lower. Domestic mainstream BATs also provide corresponding virtual machine products and services (Baidu Cloud BCC, Tencent Cloud CVM, Alibaba Cloud ECS). In addition to the ECS service, other cloud services associated with it will also be provided, such as storage, database, security, monitoring tools, and so on.

Lao Zuo has shared an article before《 Free 6-month Tencent Cloud CDN service application and experience registration and setting process 》, Yes Experience Tencent Cloud CDN service for free for half a year Now all large and medium-sized websites will enable CDN acceleration service of content distribution network. Through CDN service provider network nodes, website projects and services will be displayed more friendly and quickly, thus improving website friendliness.

In this article, Lao Zuo will compare the advantages and characteristics of their CDN services with those of Baidu Cloud (cloud. baidu. com), Tencent Cloud (qcloud. com) and Alibaba Cloud (aliyun. com). In turn, it can facilitate our users to choose the services they need.

First, whether it is free

For users, we hope that businesses can provide free services. We can also see the free CDN services provided by some businesses on the Internet. Most businesses have certain differences between free and paid services, such as node, speed, and other value-added functions. Of course, for general websites, it is also advisable to start using free services, but with the upgrading of projects and the increase of income, we will eventually need to use paid services to ensure the quality of services.

1. Baidu Cloud CDN

 Baidu Cloud CDN

Official website:

At present, Baidu Cloud CDN service does not provide a free package. Baidu Cloud Acceleration (, which is related to Baidu Cloud CDN service, has a free service scheme. The two should be operated by different brands. Baidu Cloud CDN is based on cloud host products, focusing on providing content acceleration, more nodes, and paying according to usage traffic. Baidu Cloud Acceleration provides fewer acceleration nodes and only provides basic security functions.

2. AliCloud CDN

 AliCloud CDN

Official website:

Alibaba Cloud CDN uses the traffic package billing mode. For new users, there are 100GB free services, but they need to compete for the qualification.

 Comprehensive Comparison of Tencent Cloud, Baidu Cloud and Alibaba Cloud CDN Network Acceleration Services - Page 3

According to the introduction, there is a quota limit every day. Those who originally planned to grab an experience have not applied for it. If they have the opportunity to apply for it in the future, they can share the experience article again. (Update, just went to Alibaba Cloud official to see, free activities have been canceled, and there will be activities to share in the future)

3. Tencent Cloud CDN

 Tencent Cloud CDN

Official website:

At present, Tencent Cloud CDN has launched free activities for new users. In the first six months, 50 GB of monthly traffic was provided to users, with a total of 300 GB of free traffic. In addition, after Tencent Cloud CDN is launched, an additional 10GB of traffic will be given every month. For ordinary individual users, they can still meet their needs. After the free experience, they can decide whether to pay to continue using.

Second, node distribution

Content distribution CDN is characterized by a large number of nodes, which can speed up the access of project users. Generally, there are few free CDN nodes and the stability is poor. Let's take a look at the distribution of three CDN nodes in BAT.

1. Baidu Cloud CDN

 Baidu Cloud CDN

Baidu's self built nodes cover more than 30 provinces and cities nationwide; 10 lines+operator network access, Tb level bandwidth bearing, covering all operators; The bandwidth of a single node is not less than 40Gbps, and the average service hit rate is 98%+traffic hit rate; Millisecond level response time; The central node converges back to the source; The fragmentation back to source mechanism effectively reduces the back to source traffic.

From the introduction, Baidu Cloud CDN has no overseas nodes.

2. AliCloud CDN

 AliCloud CDN

AliCloud nodes cover more than 30 countries, 500+global nodes, 20T bandwidth capacity, and are fully supported by domestic mainstream operators.

3. Tencent Cloud CDN

 Tencent Cloud CDN

Tencent Cloud CDN nodes cover more than 30 countries and regions, with a total of 530+acceleration nodes. Domestic nodes cover all mainstream operators such as China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Telecom, as well as a dozen small and medium-sized operators, with a total of 40T+resource reserves.

Third, advantages and functions

Based on the price and node distribution that our users are concerned about, Laozuo simply lists the features and advantages of the three CDN services of BAT.

1. Baidu Cloud CDN

a. Baidu self-developed high-performance network equipment can be accessed, and the network bandwidth of a single machine can reach 40Gbps, which has a strong anti attack capability.

b. Support cache policy, cache key calculation, back to source, video, security chain, HTTPS and other related configurations.

c. 7 * 24-hour network wide monitoring and work order response

d. Rich data analysis, providing bandwidth traffic, request times, visitor analysis, operator distribution analysis and other business panoramic data reports.

e. The logs are free of charge and can be automatically dumped to the customer's BOS space to facilitate management and data analysis.

2. AliCloud CDN

a. HTTPS security acceleration service. Anti hijacking, anti tampering, anti leakage, enjoy enterprise class reliable HTTPS acceleration service.

b. It provides multiple access stealing function, referrer anti-theft chain, UA head anti-theft chain, IP anti-theft chain, and URL authentication verification. Other businesses also provide such functions.

C、 Each node has high-speed read/write SSD storage, which can greatly reduce user access waiting time and improve availability with SSD acceleration. Balanced use of CPU multi-core processing capacity, efficient and reasonable use and control of memory, and maximize SSD IOPS and throughput.

d. Remove redundant page content, such as html pages, embedded JavaScript and comments in css, and duplicate blank characters, compress static file types, and effectively reduce the size of content transferred by users.

e. Panoramic data statistics, rich angle analysis, customer portrait description help business development. Support customized log service, customized permanent storage, and convenient download analysis.

3. Tencent Cloud CDN

a. There are many nodes. There are 500+nodes in China, covering operators such as China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom; Overseas 50+acceleration nodes, covering 30+countries and regions. However, due to the limitation of the regional computer room of the origin station, the delay of a few domestic and overseas nodes may be high.

b. Monitor and analyze CDN access status of all regions and operators in the country by using monitoring points all over the country to access monitoring files at fixed frequency. The self-developed GSLB scheduling system, combined with the real-time monitoring data of the whole network, accurately schedules user requests to the optimal access node.

c. Support HTTPS encrypted transmission throughout the network to ensure data security and avoid content hijacking. Tencent Cloud provides free SSL certificates for one year, or purchase Symantec and GeoTrust payment certificates. After the application/purchase is completed, it supports one click deployment to CDN to achieve HTTPS access.

d. It supports the configuration of the referrer security chain, and implements access control through the referrer field in the HTTP request to effectively prevent theft. It supports the configuration of IP black-and-white list, and effectively resists malicious users by filtering the access source IP. It supports the configuration of single IP and single node QPS restrictions to effectively resist CC attacks.

e. The hot standby source function is provided, which can effectively set the master station to automatically return to the source standby server accidentally. Optional multi-level cache routes are available. You can turn on intermediate sources according to actual needs, converge back to the source, effectively reduce the back to source bandwidth, and reduce the pressure on the source station.

f. It is simple and easy to use. You can access it by adding CNAME directly. Real time feedback on business access, consumption details, popular resource analysis, support more than a dozen self-service function configurations, provide all-round API interfaces, and diversified management.

g. Powerful monitoring and statistical analysis. View the traffic, bandwidth, requests and hit rate data generated on the CDN in real time, support the distribution analysis of provinces and operators, and support the ranking query of the top 100 hot resources.

Fourth, speed competition

The main purpose of our project to use content distribution CDN is to enable the project to improve user access speed. As we have seen above, the reasons for the deployment of a large number of nodes at home and abroad are as follows. At present, Alibaba Cloud CDN and Tencent Cloud CDN both provide free CDN resources, so a real production environment is built according to the free resources provided, and then online test the CDN speed of the two CDNs in the four nodes of China Mobile, China Unicom, China Telecom and overseas through 17ce tool (17ce. com).

1. Alibaba Cloud CDN speed test

a. Domestic telecommunications

Instance report:

 Alibaba Cloud CDN speed test

b. China Unicom

Instance report:

 China Unicom

c. Domestic Mobile

Instance report:

 Comprehensive Comparison of Tencent Cloud, Baidu Cloud and Alibaba Cloud CDN Network Acceleration Services - Page 10

d. Foreign speed measuring points

Instance report:

 Foreign speed measuring points

2. Tencent Cloud CDN Speed Test

a. Domestic telecommunications

Instance report:

 Tencent Cloud CDN Speed Test

b. China Unicom

Instance report:

 China Unicom

c. Domestic Mobile

Instance report:

 Domestic Mobile

d. Foreign nodes

Instance report:

 Foreign nodes

After deploying the AliCloud CDN and Tencent Cloud CDN instances, we used 17CE online tools to measure the speed of simple domestic telecom, mobile, China Unicom, and overseas nodes. The above data only reflects the speed of the current tool node. In fact, it will be different due to specific items, DNS resolution, actual user real nodes and other factors.

V. Summary of three BAT CDN services

Lao Zuo used the weekend time to sort out and compare the CDN service functions of content distribution provided by BAT's three virtual machine services in more detail. Due to different business priorities, the start time is slightly different, but it can be seen that in the past two years, each company has also been increasing the deployment of cloud host business.

1. From the perspective of the official interface, the Tencent Cloud official website interface looks good to me. I used to think Alibaba was good, but due to the increase of products, the layout of the product menu in both the front and back office is a bit messy. Sometimes I don't know where to find a menu.

2. From the perspective of free traffic, Tencent Cloud CDN is undoubtedly the best choice for new users. New users have provided 50GB of traffic every month for the first six months, and can give an additional 10GB every month since the opening date. That is to say, if the project flow does not exceed 10GB/month in the future, it can always be used for free.

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