Life Essay Zhoushan Travel Notes (20201031)

November 1, 2020 2339 points heat 1 person likes 0 comments

There has been no water for a long time. Let's take a bubble. The following photos were taken during the period of October 30/11-01, 2020. Let's share a simple record.

On Friday night (10.30), after work, we arrived in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province in a hurry by bullet train

Early Saturday morning, take a bus to Zhoushan Xincheng Station to meet another friend

The following photo was taken as a 16s straight out of the handheld slag Meizu, without post rendering

#Zhujiajian Baishan Scenic Spot, Nansha, etc



#Take a boat from Zhujiajiao to Mount Putuo



If life is just like the first sight, what is the sad autumn wind painting fan

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