Blog has fully supported ipv6 access

July 24, 2018 2810 points heat 1 person likes 2 comments

Since domestic ECS servers do not provide ipv6 addresses, the transition method used for adaptation may reduce access speed to a certain extent, but the overall impact is small.

The current access rules are as follows:

Site Primary Domain Name And the external link domain name of the map bed

Default Support ipv6+ipv4 Dual stack access

Considering that most colleges and universities have free ipv6 traffic and high ipv4 traffic fees,

Therefore, users of the education network will be forced to use the ipv6 line (the speed may be slightly slower)

Of course, for other uncontrollable reasons,

Please note:

The services of other third-party manufacturers used by this site will still incur traffic charges

For example, Alibaba Cloud's CNZZ traffic statistics, ARMS front-end monitoring service, NetEase's music chain

And through Third party live source watching live TV.

Users of other lines will not be affected,

If you open the small station too slowly, welcome feedback,

Thank you very much.



China is currently in the development state of ipv6. In order to avoid causing a wide range of access barriers,

For the time being, it is only open to overseas users with mature development status of education network and ipv6.


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Article comments

  • tinwa


    December 26, 2021