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All customer cases - Yunfeng Finance
Yunfeng Finance
Yunfeng Financial Group is an innovative financial technology group listed on the main board of Hong Kong. It has launched "Youyu Stock", "Youyu Smart Investment", "Youyu Shareholding" and other products to provide convenient and professional global asset allocation services for investors. It uses innovative Internet technology to provide comprehensive financial services for individuals, institutional investors and corporate customers.
Use product
Support and communication
Youyu stock: take 5 seconds to get the market price of the brand
Value achievements
Through Baidu image recognition technology, brand identity and related product recognition are realized, and brand information acquisition speed is accelerated. The recognition accuracy rate is more than 90%, and the brand encyclopedia is obtained in an average of 5 seconds, giving consumers an easy and efficient information acquisition experience and promoting consumers to transform into investors.
Case Story
Core demands
Ordinary consumers lack investment sensitivity, do not know about the value-added space of listed companies, and dare not enter the stock market easily. But in fact, listed companies are very "people friendly" and penetrate into various industries of daily consumption, but they are often not perceived by ordinary consumers, resulting in consumers missing many investment opportunities. Therefore, in the consumption scenario, if consumers take photos, they can quickly learn about the relevant information of the goods around them, including company profiles, development history, as well as dynamic news, financial statements, market data, etc., which can effectively help consumers to have a deep and comprehensive understanding of listed companies, enhance their awareness of the stock and investment risks of listed companies, and help them establish investment awareness, It also stimulates investment motivation and assists investment judgment. So I hope:
1. Avoid the user's text output barriers on the brand name, and obtain the brand name through pictures/photos instead;
2. Accurately obtain brand information and improve the speed of brand information acquisition.
Step 1: Enter the photo identification interface and select the way to upload the brand logo or its product pictures: take photos or select from the mobile phone album;
Step 2: After uploading the image, carry out image recognition;
Step 3: After the brand or its product image is successfully identified, it will be immediately matched to the corresponding brand encyclopedia page to obtain brand related information data.
An example is shown below:
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Technical capability
Voice technology
Character recognition
Face and Human Body
Image technology
Language and knowledge
video technique