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All customer cases - Dazzle camera
Dazzle camera
Dazzling color camera is a trendy and personalized camera app that focuses on young groups, providing intelligent map repair and special effect rendering functions.
Use product
Support and communication
Baidu Image Technology Helps Dazzling Camera Lead a New Experience of Interesting Map Repairing
Value achievements
"Dazzling camera" realizes four functions of automatic correction of facial deformation, intelligent "light filling" of photos, automatic and clear restoration of photos in dense fog weather, and exporting high-definition photos from lossless magnified photos by accessing Baidu AI image enhancement and special effects technology. At the same time, the "dazzle camera" provides users with interesting image editing functions by integrating multiple image special effects capabilities: the human figure transforms into cartoon characters with one button, leading a new experience across dimensions; Pencil painting, gothic oil painting and other multiple styles change with your heart, and you can feel the artistic atmosphere in person; Coloring old photos makes the nostalgia of the elders full of colorful colors.
Case Story
Core demands
With the continuous improvement of people's living standards and aesthetic awareness, beauty photography APP has become an indispensable part of people's daily entertainment life. The traditional beauty photography APP already has the functions of photo color mixing, clipping, filtering, and adding sticker borders, but it is slightly powerless in the face of image quality problems such as stretched and deformed photos, too dark or too bright images. Therefore, how to solve the problem of image quality repair and add more interesting image repair functions to bring users a better experience are the core requirements of beauty shooting APP.
Solution and diagram
"Dazzling color camera" is connected to Baidu AI image enhancement technology to further improve the photo quality optimization capability: image defogging intelligent restoration of blurred photos taken in dense fog weather; Image contrast enhancement automatically adjusts over bright and over dark pictures; Restore deformed portrait photos by stretching image recovery, and export high-definition quality photos with one click of image lossless magnification. At the same time, it will bring more interesting experience for users.
Technical capability
Voice technology
Character recognition
Face and Human Body
Image technology
Language and knowledge
video technique