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All customer cases - Double speed class
Double speed class
Double Speed Classroom is an APP developed by Beijing Youjing Education Technology Co., Ltd., which focuses on K12 education and learning tools. The textbook has complete functions such as reading, dictation, recitation, etc. It is a good assistant for children's independent learning and parents' guidance.
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"Get it in one shot", image search makes textbook retrieval no longer a problem
Value achievements
With the access to Baidu AI image search technology, "photo search" is no longer a problem. Students only need to take a photo, and the system can quickly locate the textbook they are learning. The operation of textbook search has been reduced from five steps to "one shot", and the efficiency and experience of retrieval have been greatly improved.
Case Story
Core demands
Traditional paper textbooks are presented in a single way, and the content provided is very limited, especially for English learning, listening, speaking and reading are the key. Students can't listen to the sound and watch the video on the paper textbooks, and the extra equipment such as point reader and point reader pen is very expensive. Double Speed Classroom includes electronic textbooks of all subjects from primary school to high school. By adding interactive content to textbooks, it can easily realize English point reading, oral evaluation, homework explanation and other functions. However, with the constant updating and enrichment of textbooks, it is gradually difficult for students to quickly search textbooks on the platform. They hope to improve the efficiency of textbook search and optimize the use experience of the platform by accessing image search technology.
Step 1: Users can use the [Photograph Textbook] function of the Speed Classroom APP to shoot their own textbooks
Step 2: APP will automatically identify the textbooks taken by users, and add functions such as click reading, linked reading, repeat reading, follow-up evaluation, preview, dictation, animation, notes, etc. to the textbooks
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Technical capability
Voice technology
Character recognition
Face and Human Body
Image technology
Language and knowledge
video technique