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Nginx stop and start commands in several commonly used panels and one click packages

In the ECS WEB system, we mostly use Apache and Nginx engines, and the latter still wants to use more. For example, we may deploy Nginx engine on BT panel, LNMP, AMH panel, etc. Many times we need to use the command to restart Nginx. Even though some WEB panels can be started directly, sometimes it is faster to use commands.

Here Lao Zuo records several Nginx stop and start commands for common environments.

First, Pagoda panel Nginx command

Nginx installation directory



 /etc/init.d/nginx start

stop it

 /etc/init.d/nginx stop


 /etc/init.d/nginx restart

Start load

 /etc/init.d/nginx reload

Nginx configuration file


Second, Nginx command of AMH panel

Restart Nginx

 amh nginx restart

Restore Configuration

 \cp /usr/local/nginx-generic-1.6.0-backup/conf/nginx.conf /usr/local/nginx-generic-1.6.0/conf/nginx.conf

Backup Configuration

 mv /usr/local/nginx-generic-1.6.0 /usr/local/nginx-generic-1.6.0-backup


 amh nginx-generic-1.6.0 install

Third, OneInstack Nginx command

Restart Nginx

 service nginx restart

Close Nginx

 service nginx stop

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