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The method environment for zblogphp to do 310 redirection is Apache+. htaccess
 The method environment for zblogphp to do 310 redirection is Apache+. htaccess

I made a zblogphp 301 redirect for a customer. The environment is Apache+. htaccess. I recorded the method and process, hoping to help friends in need. First, create a new ". htaccess" file in the root directory of the host (if you set pseudo static, the file already exists in the root directory), and then copy the following code: Rewr

Zblogphp Tutorial 2016-01-16 six thousand and six hundred 2 Comments

Zblogphp image immobilizer code Other files are also available

Today, I accidentally found that a garbage dump directly stole my CSS, js, pictures, etc., imitating a site similar to Tianxing Studio,. The anger in my heart It took me a little time to understand the function of this anti-theft chain, and share it. I hope it can help friends in need. The code is as follows: RewriteEngineonRewriteCond

Zblogphp Tutorial 2015-05-20 seven thousand five hundred and ten 5 Comments

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