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Code demonstration required for zblog template to implement drop-down navigation function

Tianxing Studio 2015-10-17 21:28 course ten thousand four hundred and fifty-five 3 Comments

Some templates produced by Tianxing Studio support the drop-down navigation function, but some friends are still unable to operate in the use process. This article will do a code demonstration.

First, the navigation bar of zblog can be found in the background module management. Click Edit to enter the following interface:

 QQ Photo 20151017213510.png

The red box part is the code of the zblog navigation bar. Due to the unreasonable design of zblog navigation bar (see: How to set the navigation bar of zblog? The logic of zblog navigation bar! ), so the code must be modified manually to implement drop-down navigation.

Code demonstration:

 <li><a href="#">First level navigation</a> <ul> <li><a href="#">Secondary Navigation 1</a></li> <li><a href="#">Second level navigation 2</a></li> </ul> </li>

If the topic clearly states that drop-down navigation is supported, the drop-down navigation function can be realized by adding the above code. If the topic does not come with drop-down navigation, please refer to“ How does zblog do drop-down navigation? Method of making zblogphp pull-down navigation menu ”This article adds a drop-down navigation function.

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yes three Comments from netizens:

  •  Yaobaohong Blog

    Yaobaohong Blog Nine years ago (October 25, 2015) reply

    Thank you for your wonderful analysis, a very practical method~ Thank you!

  •  Yaobaohong Blog

    Yaobaohong Blog Nine years ago (October 25, 2015) reply

    Thank you for sharing!!!

  •  Weixifeng Blog

    Weixifeng Blog Nine years ago (October 20, 2015) reply

    Thanks for sharing

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