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How to control the number of calls to the latest articles in the right column of zblog?

Tianxing Studio 2018-03-11 21:36 Zblogphp Tutorial five thousand nine hundred and fifty-six 0 Comments

How to control the number of calls to the latest articles in the right column of zblog? This problem has puzzled countless new zblog people. This article will talk about this problem.

There is a module management in the background of zblog. There are some modules that come with the system, such as recently published and the latest messages. By default, 10 messages are called. Some users want to call more or less, but they don't know where to modify them.

The previous version of zblog does not support this custom quantity. The value is written in the system php function. The latest version adds this quantity control in the background. However, this option is described as too ambiguous or too professional, which leads many novices to not realize that the quantity is controlled...

No nonsense, first the figure above:

 QQ screenshot 20180311214141.jpg

Open the background of zblog - module management - find the recently published articles and click Edit to come to the interface of the above figure. The position shown in the red box is used to set the number of articles to be called, which is 0 by default. When the value is 0, which is the default value, the 10 articles set by the system will be called by default. We can directly modify this value, and change it to 20, which will call the 20 articles newly published.

In other modules, this option is also available.

Let's finally complain about the saying "the maximum number of lines of LI in UL", which is simply too zblog

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