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What are the website titles and subtitles of zblog? How to modify?

Tianxing Studio 2018-02-09 21:07 course ten thousand eight hundred and sixty-two 1 Comments

zblog Of Site Title and Subtitle What is it? This question is often asked by novice friends. This article attempts to explain in detail what the website title and subtitle of zblog are, and will additionally explain what the website title and subtitle do? How to modify?

Website title: Generally speaking, the website title is the official name of the website. What is your website name? What is the main content of the website? The website title serves as a summary of the central idea.

Website subtitle: The subtitle serves as a supplement, because the general website title is concise and should not exceed 10 words, while the website subtitle is used to make a more detailed description of the core content of your website.

The setting path of the website title and website subtitle of the zblog program: website background - website settings - basic settings.

Now let's add an advanced tutorial. When using the zblog template produced by Tianxing Studio, many friends found that the order of the title and subtitle on the home page was not what they wanted. Some people like the title before the subtitle, and some like the subtitle before the subtitle. So let's talk about how to modify this part.

Please watch the film produced by Tianxing Studio before modifying“ Tianxing Studio zblog series video tutorial section 7: template modification ”;

The zblog template produced by Tianxing Studio generally contains a "seo. php" file, which is used to centrally manage the TDK of all pages. Find this file and open it.

The calling tag of the website title is: {$name};

The call tag of the website subtitle is: {$subnet};

The tag of the front page is: $type=='index '. We find the line below the judgment statement where we want to modify the sorting, as shown in the following figure:

 QQ screenshot 20180209212407.jpg

After you find this, you can adjust it by yourself, whether you want to put the title in front or behind or not show it at all.

PS: Please make a backup before modifying.

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yes one Comments from netizens:

  •  Netizens of Tianxing Studio

    Netizens of Tianxing Studio Six years ago (November 11, 2018) reply

    I bought the five template, which has a seobt.php, but it hasn't changed

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