Skills for girls to solve small problems

informal essay seven thousand three hundred and thirty-three 14 years ago (2010-12-23)

No matter where the shoes rub your feet, you should paint a little white wine on the place where the shoes rub your feet to ensure that they will not be rubbed;

2 If the bag is stained or dirty, it can be wiped with cotton dipped in essential balm;

After washing your face, gently rub your fingers with some fine salt on both sides of your nose, and then rinse it with clean water. Blackheads and acne will be removed, and pores will become smaller;

4 Take a small dry battery in your bag at any time when you go out. If your skirt is charged with static electricity, wipe the positive pole of the battery on the skirt for a few times to remove the static electricity;

5 If there is a small area of skin injury, burn or scald, apply a little toothpaste to stop bleeding and pain immediately and prevent infection;

Jeans fade when worn for a long time. You can soak the newly bought jeans in strong brine for 12 hours, and then wash them with clean water. They won't fade when you wash them again later;

Tofu can be used for beauty. After getting up every morning, put a piece of tofu in the palm to rub the face for a few minutes. If you persist for a month, the face will become white, tender and moist.

8 Maintenance of zipper: zipper cannot be pulled too fast or too hard; Do not collapse too tightly; Keep dry to prevent contact with acid and alkali; The zipper is astringent, which can be coated with wax and pulled gently for several times;

9 The white vest will appear black spots after being worn for a long time. You can mash 2 liang of fresh ginger, put it into a pot and add 1 jin of water to boil, pour it into the washing basin after it is slightly cool, soak the white vest for 10 minutes, and rub it repeatedly to eliminate the black spots;

10 Remove the wrinkles on the tie. Wrinkled ties can become smooth and beautiful without ironing. As long as the tie is rolled on the beer bottle and reused the next day, the original wrinkles will be eliminated;

When you are very thirsty and there is no cold boiled water at home, you can soak the cup with hot water in cold water, and then sprinkle a handful of salt in the cold water to speed up the cooling of the boiled water;

12 When encountering thunderstorms during the journey, do not take refuge under boulders, cliffs and mountain entrances. When the current passes through these places, it will produce an electric arc, which will hurt the rain shelters. If the cave is very deep, you can hide in it;

Eating mutton can help maintain a healthy body. It is an ideal source of carnitine. This substance similar to amino acids can help cells "burn" off excess fat in the human body;

Those with rough skin can apply vinegar and glycerin in a proportion of 5:1 to the face, and stick to it every day, which will make the skin tender. Add a tablespoon of vinegar in the facial wash water to wash your face, which also has beauty effect;

15. Tips for drying clothes: clothes should not be exposed to the sun. When they are half dry in a cool and ventilated place, they should be dried in weak sunlight to protect the color and life of clothes;

16 Tips for drying clothes Do not wring the clothes too dry. Take water to dry them, and flatten the clothes' lapels, collars, sleeves, etc. by hand. In this way, the clothes dried in the air will be flat without wrinkles;

Two methods to prevent clothes from fading: add proper amount of vinegar when washing dark cotton fabric to prevent it from fading and keep its luster as new; When the newly bought colored cloth is put into water for the first time, it can be soaked in salt for ten minutes to prevent the cloth from fading;

When there is bleeding on the wound, you can immediately sprinkle some white sugar on the wound, because white sugar can reduce the local moisture of the wound, inhibit the propagation of bacteria, and help the wound to converge and heal;

19 When making up, first put the slightly wet sponge in the refrigerator, and then pat the cool sponge on the skin with the foundation a few minutes later, you will feel the skin is particularly fresh and the makeup looks particularly fresh;

20 Tips for eyeliner drawing: To draw a pair of fine eyeliner, first fix your elbow on the table, then place a small mirror horizontally, let your eyes look down to the mirror, and you can draw eyeliner safely;

Experts suggest eating more red foods such as red pepper, carrot, tomato, onion and hawthorn in winter to prevent colds; Drinking a cup of yogurt and a bowl of chicken soup every day can also prevent colds;

22 Scientific disinfection method of towel: Boil the towel with boiling water for about 10 minutes, then wash it with soap, and then fully wash it with clean water, finally fold the towel and put it into the microwave oven, and heat it for 5 minutes;

23 9 things that make you smile food : celery, cheese, green tea, onion, mushroom, mustard, sugar free gum, mint, water; Eating these foods regularly can eliminate bad breath and prevent tooth decay;

24 Excessive dandruff can be improved through diet. Eat more alkaline foods such as fruits, vegetables, honey, etc; Eat more foods containing vitamin B2 and B6, such as animal liver, kidney, heart, milk, egg yolk, wheat germ, etc;

25 The pillow should have some elasticity, but it is not good if it is too strong. The head is constantly subject to the added elasticity, which is easy to cause muscle fatigue and damage. For example, spring pillows and air pillows cannot be considered as healthy pillows;

26 Watch out for "low heat burns" in winter. The water temperature in the hot water bag should not be too hot, and the thermal surface should not be directly close to the skin. Diabetic patients or those with peripheral sensory nerve retardation and infants had better not use hot water bags for heating;

27 Strategies for reducing computer injuries: Take a break of about 10 minutes after working for 1 hour continuously. The indoor light should be appropriate and the ventilation should be dry. Pay attention to the correct operating posture. Keep skin clean;

28 The white sweater will gradually darken when worn. After washing the sweater, put it in the refrigerator and freeze it for 1 hour, then take it out to dry, and it will be as white as new;

29 Diamond maintenance: Do not stack the diamonds together to avoid mutual friction and scratches between the inlays; When doing heavy and strenuous activities, take off the drill decorations first; Send the jewelry store for professional cleaning every six months;

30 Quilt drying method: the cotton quilt with chemical fiber fabric as the lining and surface should not be exposed to the sun to prevent the chemical fiber from being damaged by excessive temperature. When drying, cover the quilt with a layer of cloth to prevent direct sunlight;

Don't stop wearing the rabbit hair sweater because it has fallen off. Put it in a plastic bag and refrigerate it for 3-4 days to prevent it from falling off;

32 The wonderful use of silk scarves. I did my hair well in the beauty salon and became deformed when I woke up. Don't worry, spread a smooth silk scarf on the pillow before going to bed, you will not mess up your hair, and your beautiful hair style can be maintained;

In 33 days of hot weather, we should prevent colds. Sweating in hot weather causes people to consume a lot of energy. The human body's resistance decreases and people are prone to colds. You should pay attention to drinking more plain water, a small amount for many times, and 300 to 500 ml each time is appropriate;

34 days hot, many people have foot odor, the following two methods might as well try: put a little tea in the shoes when wearing shoes; Put warm water in the basin, a little tea, and soak your feet for ten minutes to remove the odor!