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Create cool VPS login welcome interface with Figlet tool

Sometimes when we buy some merchants' VPS servers and log in to SSH, we will see the merchants' customized welcome interface, which looks cool. If we want to customize a more personalized login welcome interface in the VPS and servers we manage and play with, we can use the Figlet tool to set it up to give us a little fun in the leisure and boring process.

 Create cool VPS login welcome interface with Figlet tool

This is the welcome interface Lao Zuo sees after logging into the VPS host under test. Let's take a look at how to set it in the server.

First, the installation of the Figlet tool

cp figlet-2.2.5.tar.gz /usr/local/src/
cd /usr/local/src/
tar -zxvf figlet-2.2.5.tar.gz
cd figlet*
make figlet

Because we need to generate the required specific characters, we need to install Figlet in the current server. By default, there is no installation package. In fact, if we only need to install in one environment, and then copy the required characters to the required server, we do not need to install all of them. Similarly, we can also use the generated characters to use the beginning of the script run, which can be marked with ECHO lines.

Here we need to add that GCC may not be installed, so the error "make: gcc: Command not found" will be prompted when executing make installation. Here we need to execute:

yum -y install gcc automake autoconf libtool make

Common component packages.

 Installation of Figlet tool

If there are no errors, you will see the following successful installation interface.

 Installation of Figlet tool

Second, the Figlet tool generates characters

./figlet LAOZUO. ORG -f fonts/standard.flf

Here we need to use Figlet to generate the required characters before they can be used in our boot restore interface. According to the above script, replace it with our own characters. And we can use other fonts.


 Figlet tool generates characters

Here I use a 3-d.flf font effect. We can see the effect according to different fonts. Lao Zuo won't say much here.

Third, add the login welcome interface

1. Copy the characters above us

2、 vi /etc/ssh/ssh-banner

Add to ssh banner.

3. Set Banner none

vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Find the line # Banner none and add:

Banner /etc/ssh/ssh-banner

 Set Banner none

Then save to exit.

4. Restart SSH

/etc/init.d/sshd restart

Finally, we log out of the current SSH and log in again. You can see the effect of the first picture in this article. Figlet generates characters and then adds the login interface, which is totally his own trouble. The login interface is different from others.

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