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Linux VPS Set Kloxo Management Panel to Simplified Chinese

As a novice webmaster, especially the webmaster who has not yet played with the host, it is a bit tough to contact VPS at the beginning. Often in these times, our website also needs to use VPS, so what should we do? The general practice is to ask someone to manage the VPS on behalf of you. The VPS escrow requires fees, including technical maintenance fees. Or we can install the management panel in VPS, which is often called the graphical management interface. Most of the time, we install it Kloxo Management panel. Of course, there are other management panels, such as Virtualmin, which are also popular. But Laozuo's experience shows that Kloxo's system consumes less resources and memory, which can improve our VPS utilization.

After installing the Kloxo panel, the panel is in English. We are used to watching Chinese. We can only change it by installing the Chinese language pack. The specific method is as follows: Lao Zuo will install it with everyone.

cd /usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs/lang
tar zxvf
rm -rf

Log in to our VPS. Of course, log in using SSH. Enter the above command and press Enter to finish the installation. Then just look at the figure below, log in to our Kloxo management panel, find the position as shown in the figure, and set Chinese.

 Linux VPS Set Kloxo Management Panel to Simplified Chinese

Take a look at the figure above, then select CHINESE according to your background interface, and click update to update.

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