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Half Moon Bay HmbCloud - provide South Korea and Japan's CN2 VPS hosts with 3GB memory of $29.99 per year

Half Moon Bay (Half Moon Bay Cloud) Although the merchants have not been established for a long time, their products still meet the needs of users. For example, Lao Zuo also shared in the front that the three network optimization scheme of DC5 CN2 GIA in Los Angeles is comparable to the scheme of DC9 and DC6 computer rooms of a merchant that we may be familiar with. For details, we can refer to“ Half Moon Bay Three Network Los Angeles DC5 CN2 GIA Same DC6 DC9 1G Memory 1TB Traffic Monthly $4.99 "。

 Half Moon Bay HmbCloud - provide South Korea and Japan's CN2 VPS hosts with 3GB memory of $29.99 per year

Today, I would like to share his VPS from Japan and South Korea, where the Japanese VPS goes to 163 and returns to CN2; South Korea is the NAT VPS of CN2 GIA line. In terms of price, South Korea VPS pays $29.99 annually, and Japan VPS pays $99.99 annually. If you need it, you can check it.

First South Korea CN2 VPS

CPU Memory SSD flow bandwidth IPv4 Price link
1 core 256M 3G 100G-2T 30~100M 1 $29.99/year Buy Link

Second Japan CN2 VPS

CPU Memory SSD flow bandwidth IPv4 Price link
1 core 1G 10G 1T 30M 1 $99.99/year Buy Link
1 core 1G 10G 0.5T 100M 1 $179.99/year Buy Link

Third, merchants test IP and related evaluation

Japanese machine room test IP:

Korean computer room test IP: 103.199.XXX XXX

1、 Test personally the speed performance of Half Moon Bay Cloud Los Angeles CN2 GIA line

2、 Simple Test Record of DC5 CN2 GIA Three Network Optimization Line in Half Moon Bay, Los Angeles

Domain name host preferential information push QQ group: six hundred and twenty-seven million seven hundred and seventy-five thousand four hundred and seventy-seven Get preferential promotion from merchants.
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