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Namecheap merchant domain name transfer discount COM domain name transferred to $5.48/year

If we need to renew the domain name at other domain name registrars, or want to save money by renewing the domain name at the transfer out registrar, we can check the domain name transfer promotion being carried out by Namecheap, which involves COM,. NET,. ORG,. IO and other domain name suffixes COM domain name transfer in and renewal for one year only cost 5.48 dollars, which is relatively affordable. It can only be said that the transfer out needs some trouble. It is better for us to directly renew at the domain name provider to save time, but considering whether we need to save money.

 Namecheap merchant domain name transfer discount COM domain name transferred to $5.48/year

The activity ended at noon on May 23. If we have friends in need, we can see if we need to transfer out the domain name. Each user can transfer 50 domain names, which is certainly enough for ordinary domain name holder users. This price is cheaper than the current regular domain name vendors. At the same time, businesses also pay $12 a year for virtual hosting, which is slow and not suitable for our Chinese users.

First, activity address

Activity address:

Second, related articles

Lao Zuo has introduced several articles about service providers and transfer to Namecheap in previous articles:

1、 Process record of transferring Namesilo domain name to Namecheap merchant

2、 The process of quickly transferring Dynadot domain names to Namecheap domain name merchants

3、 Resolve the problem that the Namecheap domain name transfer confirmation email is retransmitted and the email is not received

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