Yunmeng Windows 10+Activation Tool

March 13, 2024 418 point heat 0 likes 0 comments

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Yunmeng Windows 10+Digital Rights Activation Tool


This tool can use digital rights to activate your Windows 10 and Windows 11

One for use CSharp Prepared Windows 10 and Windows 11 Digital Rights Activation Tool.

 Screenshot of UI interface





Activate using automatic mode Windows 10 or Windows 11


  1. Download the .exe Issue documents.

  2. Run it.

  3. Tap activation Button.

  4. Complete~



In different versions Windows Conversion between


  • Note: Currently known Windows Of Professional Professional Workstation Education Professional Education Enterprise They can be converted to each other (except for N version and LTSB version), and these versions and Home Edition (Core) Neither can be directly converted by one button. If you need to convert, please use the new Upgrade to the full version of Windows Function (this function is only displayed on the core operating system) or use Windows Settings In Change Product Key Upgrade the function.
    activation IoT Enterprise Activation is required before version Enterprise
Automatic mode


  1. Run it.

  2. choice Automatic mode

  3. Select the version to upgrade to in the drop-down list.

  4. Tap Seamless version conversion Button.

  5. Done.

Manual mode


  • Note: This method is not applicable to activation of some versions, such as Professional Education , even if you have entered the corresponding OEM retail key.
  1. Run it.

  2. choice Manual mode

  3. Enter the OEM retail key corresponding to the version to be upgraded to in the input box (the activation key on the product package is not required, but the key officially allocated by Microsoft, for example, the key corresponding to the professional version is VK7JG-NPHTM-C97JM-9MPGT-3V66T )。

  4. Tap Seamless version conversion Button.

  5. Done.

adopt Manual mode Activate not in the list Windows edition


  1. Run it.

  2. choice Manual mode

  3. Enter the OEM retail key corresponding to the version to be upgraded to in the input box (the activation key on the product package is not required, but the key officially allocated by Microsoft, for example, the key corresponding to the professional version is VK7JG-NPHTM-C97JM-9MPGT-3V66T )。

  4. Tap activation Button.

  5. Done.

startup parameter


 -?  -- help             After startup, the startup parameter help dialog box pops up. -A -- Automatically activate the system after auto starts. -E -- Expact is allowed to use experimental scheme when automatically activating the system. (It needs to be used with - a or -- auto) -H -- hide starts in hidden mode, and the activation progress is displayed in the form of notification. (It needs to be used with - a or -- auto)

license agreement





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