information community file
Technical capability
Voice technology
Character recognition
Face and Human Body
Image technology
Language and knowledge
video technique

Enterprise Business Information Query (Advanced Edition)

Interface description

Any one of the enterprise name, registration number, and unified social credit code is passed in, and the specific returned enterprise full dimension information includes industrial and commercial basic information, branch information, enterprise change information, tax payment information, contact information, enterprise senior management information, business abnormality information, chattel mortgage information, former name information, shareholder information, administrative penalty information, administrative licensing information Equity contribution information, dishonesty information, executed information, etc.

Note: At present, the enterprise certification of industrial and commercial registration is supported, and the information of public institutions and law firms does not support the verification temporarily. The information of enterprises that have changed or just registered in industrial and commercial registration is expected to be verified after the approval date of enterprise publicity T+3 working days.

Online debugging

You can visit Sample Code Center Debug the interface in , you can perform signature verification, view the request content and return results of online calls, and automatically generate sample code.

Request Description

Request Example

HTTP method: POST

Request URL:

URL parameter:

parameter value
access_token Access_token obtained through API Key and Secret Key, refer to“ Access Token acquisition

The headers are as follows:

parameter value
Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Place the request parameters in the body. The details of the parameters are as follows:

Request Parameters

parameter Required type Optional value range explain
verifynum yes string - Query key fields (enterprise name, registration number, unified social credit code, any of which can be entered)

Request Code Example

Prompt 1 : Before using the sample code, remember to replace the sample token, image address or Base64 information.

Prompt 2 : Some languages depend on classes or libraries. Please check the download address in the code comment.

 OCR Enterprise Business Information Query (Advanced Edition) curl -i -k ' [Call the token obtained from the authentication interface] ' --data 'verifynum=query key fields ((enterprise name, registration number, unified social credit code, one of which can be entered arbitrarily)' -H 'Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
 # encoding:utf-8

 import requests ''' OCR Enterprise Business Information Query (Advanced Edition) ''' request_url =  " " params =  { "verifynum" : "Query key fields (enterprise name, registration number, unified social credit code, any of which can be entered)" } access_token =  '[Token obtained by calling the authentication interface]' request_url = request_url +  "?access_token="  + access_token headers =  { 'content-type' :  'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } response = requests . post ( request_url , data = params , headers = headers )
 if response :
     print  ( response . json ( ) )
 package  com . baidu . ai . aip ;

 import  com . baidu . ai . aip . utils . HttpUtil ;

 /** *OCR Enterprise Business Information Query (Advanced Edition) */
 public  class  BusinesslicenseVerificationDetailed  {

     /** *Tool class required in important tip code *FileUtil, Base64Util, HttpUtil, GsonUtils * * * * *Download */
     public  static  String  businesslicenseVerificationDetailed ( )  {
         //Request url
         String url =  " " ;
         try  {
             String param =  "verifynum="  +  "Query key fields (enterprise name, registration number, unified social credit code, any of which can be entered)" ;

             //Note that the purpose here is to simplify the encoding and obtain access_token for each request. The online environment access_token has an expiration time, and the client can cache it and retrieve it after expiration.
             String accessToken =  "[Token obtained by calling the authentication interface]" ;

             String result =  HttpUtil . post ( url , accessToken , param ) ;
             System . out . println ( result ) ;
             return result ;
         }  catch  ( Exception e )  { e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
         return  null ;

     public  static  void  main ( String [ ] args )  {
         BusinesslicenseVerificationDetailed . businesslicenseVerificationDetailed ( ) ;
 # include  <iostream>
 # include  <curl/curl.h>

 //Download link of libcurl library:
 //Download link of jsoncpp library:
 const  static std :: string request_url =  " " ;
 static std :: string businesslicenseVerificationDetailed_result ;
 /** *The curl sends the callback function called by the http request. The returned body in json format is parsed in the callback function, and the parsing result is stored in the global static variable *See the libcurl document for @ param parameter definitions *@ return See the libcurl document for the definition of the return value */
 static size_t callback ( void  * ptr , size_t size , size_t nmemb ,  void  * stream )  {
     //The obtained body is stored in ptr and converted to string format first businesslicenseVerificationDetailed_result = std :: string ( ( char  * ) ptr , size * nmemb ) ;
     return size * nmemb ;
 /** *OCR Enterprise Business Information Query (Advanced Edition) *@ return If the call is successful, 0 will be returned. If an error occurs, other error codes will be returned */
 int  businesslicenseVerificationDetailed ( std :: string & json_result ,  const std :: string & access_token )  { std :: string url = request_url +  "?access_token="  + access_token ; CURL * curl =  NULL ; CURLcode result_code ;
     int is_success ; curl =  curl_easy_init ( ) ;
     if  ( curl )  {
         curl_easy_setopt ( curl , CURLOPT_URL , url . data ( ) ) ;
         curl_easy_setopt ( curl , CURLOPT_POST ,  one ) ; curl_httppost * post =  NULL ; curl_httppost * last =  NULL ;
         curl_formadd ( & post ,  & last , CURLFORM_COPYNAME ,  "verifynum" , CURLFORM_COPYCONTENTS ,  "Query key fields (enterprise name, registration number, social unified credit code, one of which can be entered arbitrarily" , CURLFORM_END ) ;

         curl_easy_setopt ( curl , CURLOPT_HTTPPOST , post ) ;
         curl_easy_setopt ( curl , CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION , callback ) ; result_code =  curl_easy_perform ( curl ) ;
         if  ( result_code != CURLE_OK )  {
             fprintf ( stderr , " curl_easy_perform ( ) failed :  % s " ,
                     curl_easy_strerror ( result_code ) ) ; is_success =  one ;
             return is_success ;
         } json_result = businesslicenseVerificationDetailed_result ;
         curl_easy_cleanup ( curl ) ; is_success =  zero ;
     }  else  {
         fprintf ( stderr ,  "curl_easy_init() failed." ) ; is_success =  one ;
     return is_success ;
 <? php
 /** *Initiate http post requests (REST APIs) and obtain the results of REST requests * @param string $url * @param string $param * @return - http response body if succeeds, else false. */
 function  request_post ( $url  =  '' ,  $param  =  '' )
     if  ( empty ( $url )  ||  empty ( $param ) )  {
         return  false ;

     $postUrl  =  $url ;
     $curlPost  =  $param ;
     //Initialize curl
     $curl  =  curl_init ( ) ;
     curl_setopt ( $curl ,  CURLOPT_URL ,  $postUrl ) ;
     curl_setopt ( $curl ,  CURLOPT_HEADER ,  zero ) ;
     //The result is required to be a string and output to the screen
     curl_setopt ( $curl ,  CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER ,  one ) ;
     curl_setopt ( $curl ,  CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER ,  false ) ;
     //Post submission method
     curl_setopt ( $curl ,  CURLOPT_POST ,  one ) ;
     curl_setopt ( $curl ,  CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS ,  $curlPost ) ;
     //Run curl
     $data  =  curl_exec ( $curl ) ;
     curl_close ( $curl ) ;

     return  $data ;

 $token  =  '[Token obtained by calling the authentication interface]' ;
 $url  =  ' '  .  $token ;
 $bodys  =  array (
     'verifynum'  = >  "Query key fields (enterprise name, registration number, social unified credit code, one of which can be entered arbitrarily)"    
 ) ;
 $res  =  request_post ( $url ,  $bodys ) ;

 var_dump ( $res ) ;
 using System ;
 using System . IO ;
 using System . Net ;
 using System . Text ;
 using System . Web ;

 namespace com . baidu . ai {
     public  class  BusinesslicenseVerificationDetailed
         //OCR Enterprise Business Information Query (Advanced Edition)
         public  static  string  businesslicenseVerificationDetailed ( )
             string token =  "[Token obtained by calling the authentication interface]" ;
             string host =  " "  + token ;
             Encoding encoding = Encoding . Default ;
             HttpWebRequest request =  ( HttpWebRequest ) WebRequest . Create ( host ) ; request . Method =  "post" ; request . KeepAlive =  true ;
             String str =  "verifynum="  +  "Query key fields (enterprise name, registration number, unified social credit code, any of which can be entered)" ;
             byte [ ] buffer = encoding . GetBytes ( str ) ; request . ContentLength = buffer . Length ; request . GetRequestStream ( ) . Write ( buffer ,  zero , buffer . Length ) ;
             HttpWebResponse response =  ( HttpWebResponse ) request . GetResponse ( ) ;
             StreamReader reader =  new  StreamReader ( response . GetResponseStream ( ) , Encoding . Default ) ;
             string result = reader . ReadToEnd ( ) ; Console . WriteLine ( "OCR Enterprise Business Information Query (Advanced Edition):" ) ; Console . WriteLine ( result ) ;
             return result ;

Return description

Return parameters

field Required type explain
log_id yes uint64 Unique log ID for problem location
words_result_num yes uint32 The number of recognition results, representing the number of words_result elements
words_result yes object{} Identification results
base yes object Basic industrial and commercial information
+ legalperson yes string Legal person name
+ establishdate yes string date of establishment
+ revokedate yes string Revocation date
+ companystatus yes string Enterprise status
+ province yes string province
+ creditno yes string Unified social credit code
+ capital yes string registered capital
+ companytype yes string Enterprise type
+ companyaddress yes string address
+ businessscope yes string Business scope
+ businessdatefrom yes string Business Start Date
+ businessdateto yes string Business end date
+ issuedate yes string Date of issue
+ orgcode yes string Organization code
+ isonstock yes string Listed or not (0 is unlisted, 1 is listed)
+ stocknumber yes string Listed company code
+ stocktype yes string Listing type
+ keyno yes string Internal keyno
+ companyname yes string Enterprise name
+ companycode yes string Registration No
+ authority yes string registration authority
branches yes array Branches. Each array may contain multiple objects
+ companycode no string Registration No
+ companyname no string name
+ authority no string registration authority
+ creditno no string Unified social credit code
+ legalperson no string Name of legal person
changes yes array change of an enterprise
+ changefield no string Changes
+ changebefore no string Content before change
+ changeafter no string Content after change
+ changedate no string Change date
taxcredititems yes array Tax information
+ taxpayerno no string Taxpayer identification number
+ taxpayername no string Name of taxpayer
+ year no string Evaluation year
+ level no string credit rating
contactinfo yes object Contact Information
+ website yes array Website information. Each array may contain multiple objects
+ + name no string Site Name
+ + url no string Website address
+ phonenumber yes string contact number
+ email yes string Contact E-mail
employees yes array Enterprise executives, each array may contain multiple objects
+ employeename no string full name
+ position no string position
exceptions yes array Abnormal operation
+ addreason no string Reasons for inclusion in the abnormal operation list
+ adddate no string Date of listing
+ removereason no string Reasons for moving out of the abnormal operation list
+ removedate no string Date of removal
+ decisionoffice no string Decision making organ
+ removedecisionoffice no string Remove the decision authority
industry yes array Industry information
+ industry no string Name of national economy industry classification
+ subindustry no string Name of national economy industry classification
liquidation yes array Company liquidation information
+ leader no string Head of liquidation team
+ member no string member of the liquidating group
mpledges yes array Movable property mortgage. Each array may contain multiple objects
+ registerno no string Registration No
+ registerdate no string Registration time
+ publicdate no string Publicity time
+ registeroffice no string registration authority
+ debtsecuredamount no string Amount of secured claims
+ status no string state
originalname yes array Used name. Each array may contain multiple objects
+ name no string Name used before
+ changedate no string Change date
partners yes array Shareholder information. Each array may contain multiple objects
+ stockname no string shareholder
+ stocktype no string Type of shareholders
+ stockpercent no string Proportion of contribution
+ stockcapital no string Subscribed capital contribution
+ shouddate no string Time of subscribed capital contribution
+ investtype no string Way of subscribed capital contribution
+ stockrealcapital no string Paid in capital contribution
+ capidate no string Paid in time
+ investname no string Actual contribution mode
penalties yes array Administrative penalty, each array may contain multiple objects
+ docno no string Document No. of Administrative Punishment Decision
+ penaltytype no string Types of illegal acts
+ officename no string Name of administrative penalty decision authority
+ content no string Contents of administrative punishment
+ penaltydate no string Date of decision on administrative penalty
+ publicdate no string Date of administrative publicity
+ remark no string remarks
permissions yes array Administrative license. Each array may contain multiple objects
+ name no string entry name
+ province no string region
+ liandate no string Decision date
+ caseno no string Decision Document No
pledges yes array Equity pledge, each array may contain multiple objects
+ registno no string Pledge registration number
+ pledgor no string Pledgor
+ pledgorno no string Pledgor's license No
+ pledgee no string a pledgee
+ pledgeeno no string Certificate No. of the pledgee
+ pledgedamount no string Amount of pledged equity
+ regdate no string Registration date of equity pledge establishment
+ publicdate no string Publicity time
+ status no string Quality state
spotchecks yes array Enterprise spot check. Each array may contain multiple objects
+ no no string Registration No
+ executiveorg no string Inspection implementation authority
+ type no string type
+ date no string date
+ consequence no string result
+ remark no string remarks
shixinitems yes array Bad faith. Each array may contain multiple objects
+ iname no string corporate name
+ regdate no string Filing date
+ casecode no string File No
+ cardnum no string Organization code
+ gistcid no string Execution basis No
+ publishdate no string Release time
+ performance no string Performance of the Executee
+ disreputtypename no string Behavior remarks
+ courtname no string court of execution
zhixingitems yes array Executed. Each array may contain multiple objects
+ casestate no string state
+ partycardnum no string ID Card No./Organization Code
+ zxid no string Official website system ID
+ pname no string name
+ casecreatetime no string Filing time
+ casecode no string Filing No
+ execcourtname no string court of execution
+ execmoney no string Subject

Return to Example

     "words_result_num" :  eighteen ,
     "words_result" :  {
         "liquidation" :  { } ,
         "penalties" :  [
                 "officename" :  "State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration" ,
                 "penaltytype" :  "" ,
                 "remark" :  "" ,
                 "penaltydate" :  "2021-11-13 00:00:00" ,
                 "docno" :  "GSJC [2021] No. 116" ,
                 "publicdate" :  "" ,
                 "content" :  ""
         ] ,
         "shixinitems" :  [ ] ,
         "originalname" :  [ ] ,
         "changes" :  [
                 "changebefore" :  "21" ,
                 "changeafter" :  "" ,
                 "changefield" :  "Business Term" ,
                 "changedate" :  "2019-12-05 00:00:00"
             } ,
                 "changebefore" :  "Develop and produce computer software; provide relevant technical consultation, technical services and technical training; undertake computer network system engineering; sell self-produced products; import and export goods, import and export technology, import and export agent; design, produce, agent and publish advertisements. Projects that need to be approved according to law shall be operated according to the approved contents after being approved by relevant departments." ,
                 "changeafter" :  "Sales of Class III medical devices. Development and production of computer software; provision of relevant technical advice, technical services, technical training; undertaking computer network system engineering; sales of self-produced products, medical devices Class II; import and export of goods, technology, import and export agents; design, production, agency, advertising; software development; Sales of Class III medical devices and items subject to approval according to law shall be carried out according to the approved contents after being approved by relevant departments. " ,
                 "changefield" :  "Business Scope" ,
                 "changedate" :  "2019-02-11 00:00:00"
             } ,
                 "changebefore" :  "1 Xiang Hailong, General Manager" ,
                 "changeafter" :  "None" ,
                 "changefield" :  "Directors (directors), managers, supervisors" ,
                 "changedate" :  "2019-06-25 00:00:00"
             } ,
                 "changebefore" :  "Cui Shanshan *, Wei Fang" ,
                 "changeafter" :  "Cui Shanshan *, Liang Zhixiang" ,
                 "changefield" :  "Directors (directors), managers, supervisors" ,
                 "changedate" :  "2020-11-27 00:00:00"
             } ,
                 "changebefore" :  Shen Haoyu ,
                 "changeafter" :  "Wang Zhan" ,
                 "changefield" :  "Legal Representative" ,
                 "changedate" :  "2011-07-28 00:00:00"
             } ,
                 "changebefore" :  "1 Wang Zhan, General Manager" ,
                 "changeafter" :  "1 Xiang Hailong, General Manager" ,
                 "changefield" :  "Directors (directors), managers, supervisors" ,
                 "changedate" :  "2016-05-30 00:00:00"
             } ,
                 "changebefore" :  "Xiang Hailong *" ,
                 "changeafter" :  "Cui Shanshan *, Wei Fang" ,
                 "changefield" :  "Directors (directors), managers, supervisors" ,
                 "changedate" :  "2019-06-25 00:00:00"
             } ,
                 "changebefore" :  "Sales of Class III medical devices. Development and production of computer software; provision of relevant technical advice, technical services, technical training; undertaking computer network system engineering; sales of self-produced products, medical devices Class II; import and export of goods, technology, import and export agents; design, production, agency, advertising; software development; Sales of Class III medical devices and items subject to approval according to law shall be carried out according to the approved contents after being approved by relevant departments. " ,
                 "changeafter" :  "Sales of Class III medical devices. Development and production of computer software; provision of relevant technical consultation, technical services, technical training; undertaking of computer network system engineering; import and export of goods, technology, import and export agency; design, production, agency, advertising; software development; technology development, technology promotion, technology transfer; Sales of self-produced products, Class II medical devices, electronic products, devices and components, computers, software and auxiliary equipment, lamps, hardware and electrical equipment, and self-developed products; Computer system integration; Commissioned processing and production of communication equipment. Sales of Class III medical devices and items subject to approval according to law shall be carried out according to the approved contents after being approved by relevant departments. " ,
                 "changefield" :  "Business Scope" ,
                 "changedate" :  "2019-12-05 00:00:00"
             } ,
                 "changebefore" :  "Develop and produce computer software; provide technical consultation and technical services for self-produced products; undertake computer network system engineering; sell self-produced products; import and export goods; import and export technology; import and export agent." ,
                 "changeafter" :  "Develop and produce computer software; provide relevant technical consultation, technical services and technical training; undertake computer network system engineering; sell self-produced products; import and export goods; import and export technology; import and export agency (except for projects without administrative license)" ,
                 "changefield" :  "Business Scope" ,
                 "changedate" :  "2012-07-11 00:00:00"
             } ,
                 "changebefore" :  "" ,
                 "changeafter" :  "" ,
                 "changefield" :  "Business Term" ,
                 "changedate" :  "2019-12-05 00:00:00"
             } ,
                 "changebefore" :  "Develop and produce computer software; provide technical consultation and service for self-produced products; undertake computer network system engineering; and sell self-produced products." ,
                 "changeafter" :  "Develop and produce computer software; provide technical consultation and technical services for self-produced products; undertake computer network system engineering; sell self-produced products; import and export goods; import and export technology; import and export agent." ,
                 "changefield" :  "Business Scope" ,
                 "changedate" :  "2011-07-28 00:00:00"
             } ,
                 "changebefore" :  "1 Shen Haoyu, General Manager" ,
                 "changeafter" :  "1 Wang Zhan, General Manager" ,
                 "changefield" :  "Directors (directors), managers, supervisors" ,
                 "changedate" :  "2011-07-28 00:00:00"
             } ,
                 "changebefore" :  "Wang Zhan *" ,
                 "changeafter" :  "Xiang Hailong *" ,
                 "changefield" :  "Directors (directors), managers, supervisors" ,
                 "changedate" :  "2016-05-30 00:00:00"
             } ,
                 "changebefore" :  "Develop and produce computer software; provide relevant technical consultation, technical services and technical training; undertake computer network system engineering; sell self-produced products; import and export goods, import and export technology, import and export agent; design, produce, agent and publish advertisements. (Projects that need to be approved according to law shall be operated according to the approved contents after being approved by relevant departments.)" ,
                 "changeafter" :  "Develop and produce computer software; provide relevant technical consultation, technical services and technical training; undertake computer network system engineering; sell self-produced products and medical devices of Class II; import and export goods, import and export technology, import and export agency; design, production, agency, advertising; software development; sell Class III medical devices. (For the sale of Class III medical devices and items subject to approval according to law, business activities shall be carried out according to the approved contents after being approved by relevant departments.)“ ,
                 "changefield" :  "Business Scope" ,
                 "changedate" :  "2019-02-11 00:00:00"
             } ,
                 "changebefore" :  "Develop and produce computer software; provide relevant technical consultation, technical services and technical training; undertake computer network system engineering; sell self-produced products; import and export goods; import and export technology; and act as import and export agent. (For projects that need to be approved according to law, business activities shall be carried out according to the approved contents after being approved by relevant departments.)" ,
                 "changeafter" :  "Develop and produce computer software; provide relevant technical consultation, technical services and technical training; undertake computer network system engineering; sell self-produced products; import and export goods, import and export technology, import and export agent; design, produce, agent and publish advertisements. (Projects that need to be approved according to law shall be operated according to the approved contents after being approved by relevant departments.)" ,
                 "changefield" :  "Business Scope" ,
                 "changedate" :  "2016-08-26 00:00:00"
             } ,
                 "changebefore" :  "Develop and produce computer software; provide relevant technical consultation, technical services and technical training; undertake computer network system engineering; sell self-produced products and medical devices of Class II; import and export goods, import and export technology, import and export agency; design, production, agency, advertising; software development; sell Class III medical devices. (For the sale of Class III medical devices and items subject to approval according to law, the business activities shall be carried out according to the approved contents after being approved by relevant departments.)“ ,
                 "changeafter" :  "Develop and produce computer software; provide relevant technical consultation, technical services and technical training; undertake computer network system engineering; import and export of goods, technology, and import and export agency; design, production, agency, and advertising; software development; technology development, technology promotion, and technology transfer; Sales of self-produced products, Class II medical devices, electronic products, devices and components, computers, software and auxiliary equipment, lamps, hardware and electrical equipment, and self-developed products; Computer system integration; Communication equipment for entrusted processing and production; Sales of Class III medical devices. (For the sale of Class III medical devices and items subject to approval according to law, the business activities shall be carried out according to the approved contents after being approved by relevant departments.)“ ,
                 "changefield" :  "Business Scope" ,
                 "changedate" :  "2019-12-05 00:00:00"
             } ,
                 "changebefore" :  "Wang Zhan" ,
                 "changeafter" :  "Xiang Hailong" ,
                 "changefield" :  "Legal Representative" ,
                 "changedate" :  "2016-05-30 00:00:00"
             } ,
                 "changebefore" :  "1 Xiang Hailong, General Manager" ,
                 "changeafter" :  "None" ,
                 "changefield" :  "Directors (directors), managers, supervisors" ,
                 "changedate" :  "2019-06-25 00:00:00"
             } ,
                 "changebefore" :  "Develop and produce computer software; provide relevant technical consultation, technical services and technical training; undertake computer network system engineering; sell self-produced products; import and export goods; import and export technology; import and export agency. For projects that need to be approved according to law, business activities shall be carried out according to the approved contents after being approved by relevant departments." ,
                 "changeafter" :  "Develop and produce computer software; provide relevant technical consultation, technical services and technical training; undertake computer network system engineering; sell self-produced products; import and export goods, import and export technology, import and export agent; design, produce, agent and publish advertisements. Projects that need to be approved according to law shall be operated according to the approved contents after being approved by relevant departments." ,
                 "changefield" :  "Business Scope" ,
                 "changedate" :  "2016-08-26 00:00:00"
         ] ,
         "industry" :  {
             "industry" :  "Information transmission, software and information technology service industry" ,
             "subindustry" :  "Internet and related services"
         } ,
         "branches" :  [
                 "companycode" :  "" ,
                 "companyname" :  "Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Tianjin Heping Branch" ,
                 "authority" :  "Tianjin Market Supervision and Administration Commission" ,
                 "legalperson" :  "Guo Lixia" ,
                 "creditno" :  "91120000MA06X3RTXX"
             } ,
                 "companycode" :  "" ,
                 "companyname" :  "Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Tianjin Branch" ,
                 "authority" :  "Tianjin Market Supervision and Administration Commission" ,
                 "legalperson" :  "Guo Lixia" ,
                 "creditno" :  "91120000MA06X2UT6T"
             } ,
                 "companycode" :  "" ,
                 "companyname" :  "Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Shanghai Baoshan Branch" ,
                 "authority" :  "Shanghai Municipal Market Supervision Administration" ,
                 "legalperson" :  Shang Guobin ,
                 "creditno" :  "91310000MA1GNWYG37"
             } ,
                 "companycode" :  "310115500129605" ,
                 "companyname" :  "Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Shanghai No. 2 Branch" ,
                 "authority" :  "Market Supervision Administration of Pilot Free Trade Zone" ,
                 "legalperson" :  "Shudder" ,
                 "creditno" :  "91310115093500281H"
             } ,
                 "companycode" :  "310000500149803" ,
                 "companyname" :  "Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Shanghai Software Technology Branch" ,
                 "authority" :  "Shanghai Municipal Market Supervision Administration" ,
                 "legalperson" :  "Zhang Hongyu" ,
                 "creditno" :  "91310000772120643P"
             } ,
                 "companycode" :  "310000500552158" ,
                 "companyname" :  "Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Shanghai No. 1 Branch" ,
                 "authority" :  "Shanghai Municipal Market Supervision Administration" ,
                 "legalperson" :  "Zhang Hongyu" ,
                 "creditno" :  "9131000031235406XP"
             } ,
                 "companycode" :  "800868" ,
                 "companyname" :  "Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch" ,
                 "authority" :  "" ,
                 "legalperson" :  He Yong ,
                 "creditno" :  ""
             } ,
                 "companycode" :  "310115500011975" ,
                 "companyname" :  "Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Shanghai Office" ,
                 "authority" :  "" ,
                 "legalperson" :  "Ren Xuyang" ,
                 "creditno" :  ""
             } ,
                 "companycode" :  "Qi Du E Wu Fen Zi No. 005603" ,
                 "companyname" :  "Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Wuhan Branch" ,
                 "authority" :  "" ,
                 "legalperson" :  "Weekly products" ,
                 "creditno" :  ""
             } ,
                 "companycode" :  "" ,
                 "companyname" :  "Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Chengdu Branch" ,
                 "authority" :  "Chengdu Market Supervision Administration" ,
                 "legalperson" :  "Yu Youping" ,
                 "creditno" :  "91510100MA65UY1Q8L"
             } ,
                 "companycode" :  "" ,
                 "companyname" :  "Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Handan Branch" ,
                 "authority" :  "Handan Market Supervision Administration" ,
                 "legalperson" :  Li Fei ,
                 "creditno" :  "91130400MA7BMR8G5T"
             } ,
                 "companycode" :  "" ,
                 "companyname" :  "Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Branch" ,
                 "authority" :  "Guangzhou Municipal Market Supervision Administration" ,
                 "legalperson" :  "Yu Youping" ,
                 "creditno" :  "91440100MAC0MJXR1P"
         ] ,
         "exceptions" :  [ ] ,
         "mpledges" :  [ ] ,
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                 "date" :  "2017-10-22 00:00:00" ,
                 "no" :  "1" ,
                 "consequence" :  Normal ,
                 "remark" :  "" ,
                 "type" :  "Spot check" ,
                 "executiveorg" :  "Haidian Branch of Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce"
         ] ,
         "partners" :  [
                 "shoulddate" :  "2019-12-05 00:00:00" ,
                 "stockname" :  "Baidu Holdings Co., Ltd." ,
                 "investtype" :  Currency ,
                 "capidate" :  "" ,
                 "stocktype" :  "Enterprise legal person" ,
                 "stockrealcapital" :  "" ,
                 "stockcapital" :  "4520.0" ,
                 "investname" :  "" ,
                 "stockpercent" :  "1.0000"
         ] ,
         "zhixingitems" :  [ ] ,
         "permissions" :  [
                 "province" :  "" ,
                 "name" :  "Certificate of High tech Enterprise" ,
                 "liandate" :  "" ,
                 "caseno" :  ""
             } ,
                 "province" :  "" ,
                 "name" :  "Certificate of High tech Enterprise" ,
                 "liandate" :  "" ,
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             } ,
                 "province" :  "" ,
                 "name" :  "Certificate of High tech Enterprise" ,
                 "liandate" :  "" ,
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             } ,
                 "province" :  "" ,
                 "name" :  "Software Enterprise Certification" ,
                 "liandate" :  "" ,
                 "caseno" :  ""
             } ,
                 "province" :  "" ,
                 "name" :  "Account opening license" ,
                 "liandate" :  "" ,
                 "caseno" :  ""
             } ,
                 "province" :  "" ,
                 "name" :  "Preliminary Review Comments on Construction Project Land" ,
                 "liandate" :  "" ,
                 "caseno" :  ""
             } ,
                 "province" :  "" ,
                 "name" :  "Completion acceptance of water and soil conservation facilities of production and construction projects" ,
                 "liandate" :  "" ,
                 "caseno" :  ""
             } ,
                 "province" :  "" ,
                 "name" :  "Preliminary Review Comments on Construction Project Land" ,
                 "liandate" :  "" ,
                 "caseno" :  ""
             } ,
                 "province" :  "" ,
                 "name" :  "Administrative License Decision" ,
                 "liandate" :  "2019-07-18 00:00:00" ,
                 "caseno" :  "JY31108200076349"
         ] ,
         "contactinfo" :  {
             "website" :  [ ] ,
             "phonenumber" :  "010-59928888" ,
             "email" :  " "
         } ,
         "pledges" :  [ ] ,
         "employees" :  [
                 "position" :  "General Manager, Executive Director" ,
                 "employeename" :  Cui Shanshan
             } ,
                 "position" :  "Supervisor" ,
                 "employeename" :  "Liang Zhixiang"
         ] ,
         "base" :  {
             "isonstock" :  "0" ,
             "capital" :  "US $45.20 billion" ,
             "orgcode" :  "717743469" ,
             "stocknumber" :  "" ,
             "companystatus" :  "Survival (in operation, opening, registration)" ,
             "issuedate" :  "2020-11-27 00:00:00" ,
             "companyaddress" :  "3rd Floor, Baidu Building, No. 10, Shangdi 10th Street, Haidian District, Beijing" ,
             "keyno" :  "867bef5d172cbae117a5986883cf5c0e" ,
             "companycode" :  "110000410144104" ,
             "revokedate" :  "" ,
             "province" :  "BJ" ,
             "businessscope" :  "Develop and produce computer software; provide relevant technical consultation, technical services and technical training; undertake computer network system engineering; import and export of goods, technology, and import and export agency; design, production, agency, and advertising; software development; technology development, technology promotion, and technology transfer; Sales of self-produced products, Class II medical devices, electronic products, devices and components, computers, software and auxiliary equipment, lamps, hardware and electrical equipment, and self-developed products; Computer system integration; Communication equipment for entrusted processing and production; Sales of Class III medical devices. (Market entities shall independently select business items and carry out business activities in accordance with the law; sales of Class III medical devices and items subject to approval in accordance with the law shall carry out business activities in accordance with the approved contents after being approved by the relevant departments; they shall not engage in business activities of items prohibited or restricted by the national and municipal industrial policies.)“ ,
             "businessdatefrom" :  "2000-01-18 00:00:00" ,
             "stocktype" :  "" ,
             "companyname" :  "Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd." ,
             "companytype" :  "Limited liability company (wholly owned by foreign legal person)" ,
             "authority" :  "Haidian District Market Supervision Administration of Beijing Municipality" ,
             "legalperson" :  Cui Shanshan ,
             "creditno" :  "91110108717743469K" ,
             "establishdate" :  "2000-01-18 00:00:00" ,
             "businessdateto" :  ""
         } ,
         "taxcredititems" :  [
                 "taxpayerno" :  "110108717743469" ,
                 "year" :  "2015" ,
                 "level" :  "A" ,
                 "taxpayername" :  "Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd."
             } ,
                 "taxpayerno" :  "91110108717743469K" ,
                 "year" :  "2018" ,
                 "level" :  "A" ,
                 "taxpayername" :  "Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd."
             } ,
                 "taxpayerno" :  "91110108717743469K" ,
                 "year" :  "2019" ,
                 "level" :  "A" ,
                 "taxpayername" :  "Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd."
             } ,
                 "taxpayerno" :  "91110108717743469K" ,
                 "year" :  "2020" ,
                 "level" :  "A" ,
                 "taxpayername" :  "Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd."
     } ,
     "log_id" :  1585110490379986830
Enterprise Business Information Query (Standard Version)
Enterprise two factor verification