Read a story that will definitely inspire you

informal essay seven thousand one hundred and fifty-two 13 years ago (2011-05-13)

   one A went to buy cigarettes for 29 yuan, but he didn't have any matches. He said to the clerk, "Give me a box of matches by the way." The clerk didn't give it.
B went to buy cigarettes for 29 yuan, but he didn't have any matches. He told the clerk, "Let's make it a dime cheaper." Finally, he used the dime to buy a box of matches.
This is the simplest psychological marginal effect. The first is that the shopkeeper thinks that he has made money on one commodity, while the other has not. The sense of making money index is 1. Second, the shopkeeper thinks that both goods have made money, and the earning index is 2. Of course, the second is psychological tendency. Similarly, this psychology is also reflected in the trick of buying one and getting one free. Customers think that they can earn something without paying for it. In fact, it is all psychological marginal effects that are making trouble.
Inspiration: Changing a way can often achieve unexpected results! Usually, the result of many things will be different if they are done in a different way. On the road of life, it is very important to improve mental models and ways of thinking.

   two There was a little boy. One day his mother took him to the grocery store to buy something. When the boss saw the lovely boy, he opened a jar of candy and asked the boy to take a handful of candy himself. But the boy didn't do anything. After several invitations, the boss personally grabbed a bunch of sweets and put them into his pocket. Back at home, the mother asked the little boy curiously, why didn't she catch the candy by herself but the boss? The little boy replied wonderfully, "Because my hand is small! The boss's hand is big, so he must take more than I do!"
Revelation: This is a smart boy. He knows his own limitations, and more importantly, he also knows that others are better than him. It is not only a kind of humility, but also a kind of intelligence to learn to rely on others in a timely manner, not only by your own strength.

   three One day, famous American host Linklater visited a child and asked him: "What do you want to be when you grow up?" The child naively replied: "Hmm…… I want to be a pilot of an airplane!" Linklater asked: "If one day, all the engines of your plane fly over the Pacific Ocean, what will you do?" The child thought for a moment: "I will first tell the people on the plane to fasten their seat belts, and then I will hang up my parachute and jump out." When the audience laughed unsteadily, Linklater continued to look at the child to see if he was a smart aleck. Unexpectedly, the child's two lines burst into tears, which made Linklater realize that the child's compassion was far beyond words. So Linklater asked him, "Why are you doing this?" The child's answer revealed the child's sincere idea: "I want to get the fuel, and I want to come back!!!"
Enlightenment: This is the "art of listening". First, don't listen half way. Second, don't project your own meaning onto what others say. To learn to listen, listen attentively and modestly.

   four There are two monks who live in two adjacent mountain temples. There is a stream between the two mountains, so the two monks will go down the mountain to fetch water at the same time every day. As time passes, they become good friends. It has been five years since I carried water every day. Suddenly one day the monk on the left mountain didn't go down to fetch water. The monk on the right mountain thought, "He probably overslept." He didn't care. The monk on the left side of the mountain did not go down to fetch water the next day, and the same was true on the third day. After a week, it was still the same until a month later, the monk on the right mountain finally couldn't stand it. He thought, "My friend may be ill. I will visit him to see what I can do." So he climbed the mountain on the left to visit his old friends. When he arrived at the temple on the left side of the mountain, he was surprised to see his old friend, because his old friend was playing Taijiquan in front of the temple, not like a man who hadn't drunk water for a month. He asked curiously, "You haven't gone down the mountain to fetch water for a month. Can you not drink water?" The monk on the left said, "Come on, let me show you." So he took the monk on the right to the back yard of the temple, Pointing to a well, he said, "For the past five years, I have taken time to dig this well every day after finishing my homework. Even if I am busy sometimes, I can dig as much as I can. Now that I finally get the water out of the well, I don't have to go down the mountain to carry water. I can have more time to practice my favorite Taijiquan."
Revelation: We are company No matter how much salary you get, it's all about carrying water. And grasp the time after work to dig a well of our own to cultivate our strength on the other hand. In the future, when we are old and can't compete with young people physically, we still have water to drink, and we can drink very leisurely.

   five Two men went to the mountain to look for beautiful stones. A had a full basket on his back, while B had only one basket that he thought was the most beautiful stone. A smiled at B and said, "Why do you choose only one?" B said, "Although there are many beautiful stones, I only choose the most beautiful one." A smiled without saying anything. On the way down the mountain, A felt more and more burdened, and finally had to constantly pick the worst one from a basket of stones and throw it down. When he went down the mountain, there was only one stone left in his basket!
Enlightenment: There will be many things in life that are worth remembering, and sometimes you should learn to give up.

   six There is a toothpaste factory with excellent products and exquisite packaging, which is loved by customers. Its turnover has increased for 10 consecutive years, with an annual growth rate of 10%~20%. But in the 11th year, the performance stagnated, and so did the next two years. The company manager held a senior meeting to discuss the countermeasures. At the meeting, the president of the company promised: Who
If you can come up with a solution to the problem and make the company's performance grow, you will be rewarded 100000 yuan. A young manager stood up and handed the president a note. After reading it, the president immediately signed a check of 100000 yuan to the manager. The note said: Enlarge the opening of the toothpaste by 1mm. Every morning, consumers squeeze out toothpaste of the same length, and the opening is expanded by 1mm. Each consumer will use more toothpaste of 1mm wide. How much more will be consumed every day! The company immediately changed the packaging. In the 14th year, the company's turnover increased by 32%.
Enlightenment: face life We often get used to the way of thinking in the past. In fact, as long as you expand the heart diameter by 1mm, you will see that changes in life have their positive side, full of opportunities and challenges.

   seven A turkey chatted with a cow. The turkey said, "I hope to fly to the top of the tree, but I have no courage.". The cow said: Why not eat some of my cow dung? They are very nutritious. The turkey ate a little cow dung and found that it really gave it enough strength to fly to the first branch. The next day, the turkey ate more cow dung and flew to the second branch. Two weeks later, the turkey proudly flew to the top of the tree, but soon, a farmer saw it and shot it down from the tree quickly.
Revelation: Bullshit luck can make you reach the peak, but it can't let you stay there.

   eight The crow stood on the tree and did nothing all day. The rabbit saw the crow and asked, "Can I do nothing all day like you?"? The crow said: Of course, why not? So the rabbit began to rest in the open space under the tree. Suddenly, a fox appeared. It jumped up and grabbed the rabbit and swallowed it.
Revelation: If you want to stand and do nothing, you must stand very high, very high.

   nine A bird flew south for the winter. It was so cold that the birds were almost frozen stiff. So, flying to a large open space, a cow passed by and pulled a pile of cow dung on the bird. The frozen bird was lying in the dunghill, feeling very warm, and gradually woke up. It was warm and comfortable to lie down, and soon began to sing. A passing wild cat heard the sound and went to see what was going on. Following the sound, the wild cat soon found the bird lying in the dunghill, Pull it out and eat it.
Revelation: Not everyone who pulls shit on you is your enemy. Not everyone who pulls you out of the dunghill is your friend. Also, when you lie in the dunghill, you'd better close your mouth.

   ten Once upon a time, two hungry people received a gift from an elder: a fishing rod and a basket of fresh and huge fish. One man asked for a basket of fish and the other for a fishing rod, so they parted ways. The man who got the fish set up a bonfire with dry firewood and cooked the fish in the spot. He devoured the fish without tasting the meat flavor of fresh fish. In a flash, he ate all the fish and soup. Soon, he starved to death beside the empty fish basket. The other man continued to starve with his fishing rod and walked towards the seaside step by step. But when he saw the blue sea not far away, his last strength was exhausted, and he could only leave the world with endless regret. There were two hungry people who also got a fishing rod and a basket of fish from the elder. But instead of going their separate ways, they agreed to find the sea together. They only cooked one fish at a time. After a long journey, they came to the seaside. From then on, they began to fish for a living. A few years later, they built houses, had their own families, children, and fishing boats, and lived a happy and healthy life.
Revelation: A person who only cares about the immediate interests will eventually get temporary happiness; A person has high goals, but also has to face the reality of life. Only by organically combining ideal with reality can one become a successful person. Sometimes, a simple truth is enough to give meaningful life enlightenment.

   eleven A student of Confucius was cooking porridge when he found something dirty fell into the pot. He quickly picked it up with a spoon, and was about to throw it out when it occurred to him that a gruel and a meal were hard won. So he ate it. Confucius happened to walk into the kitchen and thought he was stealing food, so he taught the classmate who was responsible for cooking. After explanation, everyone suddenly understood. Confucius said with great emotion, "What I saw with my own eyes is not true, let alone how to listen to the Tao and how to listen to the way?"
Enlightenment: Sales promotion is an organizational business. Because there are many people, there are also many personnel problems. From time to time, we hear words that are difficult to distinguish between right and wrong. If one company attacks another company, such words often confuse right and wrong and affect confidence. Therefore, it is not easy to believe rumors to find out the truth of the matter, and the cause we have worked hard to build will not be destroyed once.

   twelve A scholar came to Beijing for his third exam and stayed in a shop where he often stayed. Two days before the exam, he had three dreams. The first dream was that he was growing cabbage on the wall. The second dream was that he was wearing a bamboo hat and holding an umbrella in rainy days. The third dream was that he was lying with his beloved cousin, but his back was against his back. These three dreams seemed to have some deep meaning. The scholar hurried to find a fortune teller the next day. On hearing this, the fortune teller patted his thigh and said, "You'd better go home. Think about it, it's useless to plant vegetables on the high wall. Isn't it unnecessary to wear a bamboo hat and take an umbrella? It's impossible to lie in the same bed with my cousin, but back to back?" The scholar was discouraged and went back to the store to pack up. The shopkeeper was very strange. He asked, "Why did you go back to your hometown today?" The scholar said something like this, and the shopkeeper was happy: "Oh, I will also interpret my dreams. I think you must stay this time. Think about it, isn't it good to grow vegetables on the wall? Isn't it good to wear bamboo hats and hold umbrellas to show that you are prepared this time? Lying in bed back to back with your cousin doesn't mean that it's time for you to turn over? "When the scholar heard this, it was more reasonable. So he took the exam in high spirits and won a prize.
Revelation: Positive people, like the sun, shine wherever it shines. Negative people, like the moon, are different on the first and fifteenth days of the lunar calendar. Our life is determined by our thoughts. What we think, we will have a future.

   thirteen One day the zoo keepers found that the kangaroo had escaped from the cage, so they held a meeting to discuss it and agreed that the cage was too low. So they decided to raise the height of the cage from 10 meters to 20 meters. The next day, they found that the kangaroos still ran outside, so they decided to increase the height to 30 meters. The next day, they unexpectedly saw all the kangaroos running outside. So the administrators were very nervous, and decided to do nothing and not stop, increasing the height of the cage to 100 meters. One day the giraffe was chatting with some kangaroos. "Look, will these people continue to raise your cage?" the giraffe asked. "It's hard to say," said the kangaroo, "if they continue to forget to close the door!"
Revelation: In fact, many people are like this. They only know that there are problems, but they cannot grasp the core and foundation of the problems.

   fourteen One night, it was very late. An elderly couple walked into a hotel. They wanted a room. The receptionist replied, "Sorry, our hotel is full, and there is no room left." Looking at the tired look of the old couple, the waiter could not bear to let the old couple go out late at night to find another accommodation. In such a small town, I'm afraid other hotels are already full
After closing time, wouldn't the exhausted old couple live on the streets at night? So the kind waiter led the old couple to a room and said, "Maybe it's not the best, but now I can only do that." The old man saw that it was actually a clean and tidy room, so he lived happily. The next day, when they came to the front desk to check out, the waiter said to them, "No, because I just lent you my room for one night -- I wish you a happy journey!". The waiter stayed up all night, so he was on a night shift at the front desk. The two old men were very moved. The old man said, "Son, you are the best hotel operator I have ever seen. You will be rewarded." The waiter smiled and said it was nothing. He saw the old man out of the door, turned around and went on with his business, forgetting all about it. Unexpectedly, one day, the waiter received a letter and opened it. There was a one-way ticket to New York with a brief postscript, inviting him to do another job. He flew to New York, followed the route indicated in the letter to a place, looked up and saw a magnificent hotel standing in front of him. It turned out that the late night a few months ago, he received a billionaire and his wife. The rich man bought a large hotel for the waiter and was convinced that he would manage the hotel well. This is the legend of the first manager of the world-famous Hilton Hotel.

   fifteen Before a master performer came on stage, his disciple told him that his shoelace was loose. The master nodded his thanks, squatted down and tied it carefully. When the disciple turned around, he squatted down to loosen his shoelaces. A bystander saw all this and asked inexplicably, "Master, why did you loosen your shoelaces?" The master replied, "Because I played a tired traveler, who walked a long way to loosen his shoelaces. This detail can show his fatigue and emaciation." "Why don't you tell your disciples directly?" "He can carefully find my shoelace is loose, and warmheartedly told me that I must protect his enthusiasm and encourage him in a timely manner. As for why he should untie his shoelace, there will be more opportunities to teach him to perform in the future, you can talk about it next time."
Enlightenment: People can only do one thing at a time, and only those who understand the key points are real talents.

   sixteen A man caught a young eagle in an eagle nest on the top of a mountain. He took the young eagle home and raised it in a chicken coop. The baby eagle pecked, played and rested with the chicken. It thinks it is a chicken. The eagle gradually grew up, and its wings became weak. The owner wanted to train it to be a falcon, but because it mixed with chickens all day long, it had become exactly the same as chickens, and had no desire to fly at all. The owner tried all kinds of methods, but they were all ineffective. Finally, he took it to the top of the mountain and threw it out. The eagle fell like a stone. In the panic, it beat its wings desperately. In this way, it finally flew!
Enlightenment: Training calls the power of success.

   seventeen After the rain, a spider struggled to climb to the broken web on the wall. Because the wall was wet, it climbed to a certain height and fell down. It climbed up again and again and fell down again and again&hellip& hellip; When the first man saw it, he sighed and said to himself, "My life is just like this spider, isn't it? I'm busy but I don't get anything." So he became increasingly depressed. The second man saw it and said, "This spider is really stupid. Why don't you climb around the dry place next to it?"? I can't be as stupid as it is. So he became smart. When the third man saw it, he was immediately moved by the spirit of the spider's repeated defeats. So he became strong.
Enlightenment: Those with a successful mentality can find the power of success everywhere.

   eighteen An old man accidentally dropped a new shoe he had just bought from the window on a high-speed train. People around him were very sorry. Unexpectedly, the old man immediately dropped the second shoe from the window. This move is even more surprising. The old man explained: "No matter how expensive this shoe is, it's no use to me. If anyone can find a pair of shoes, maybe he can wear them!"
Enlightenment: Winners are good at giving up.

   nineteen A big company is going to hire a car driver at a high salary. After layers of screening and examination, only three competitors with the best technology are left. The examiners asked them: "There is a piece of gold near the cliff. How close do you think you can drive to get it without falling off?" "Two meters." The first said. "Half a meter," said the second confidently. "I will try to stay away from the cliff as far as possible," said the third. As a result, the company accepted the third place.
Enlightenment: Don't compete with temptation, but stay as far away as possible.

   twenty The old monk and the young monk traveled to a river; See a woman trying to cross the river, but dare not cross. The old monk took the initiative to carry the woman across the river, then put her down and continued to drive with the young monk. The little monk couldn't help thinking: What's wrong with Shifu? How dare you carry a woman across the river? I walked all the way and thought all the way. Finally, I couldn't help myself and said, "Master, have you broken the precepts?"? How did you carry a woman? The old monk sighed: I have already put it down, but you cannot!
Inspiration: The gentleman is open and forthright, while the villain is always worried; Only by being broad-minded, open-minded, and able to take things up and put them down, can we always maintain a healthy attitude.

   twenty-one A psychology professor visited the lunatic asylum to learn about the living conditions of lunatics. One day, I felt that these people were crazy and acted unexpectedly, which was an eye opener. Unexpectedly, when I was about to return, I found my tire had been dropped. "Someone must have done it!" the professor thought angrily, and started to take the spare tire to install it. It's serious. The person who got off the tire actually took off all the screws. I can't get on without screws and a spare tire! The professor was at a loss. When he was in a hurry, a crazy man came bouncing over, singing an unknown happy song in his mouth. He found the professor in trouble and stopped to ask what had happened. The professor was too lazy to pay attention to him, but he told him out of politeness. The madman laughed and said, "I have a way!" He put a screw on each tire, so he got three screws to mount the spare tire. Surprised and grateful, the professor was very curious: "How did you come up with this idea?" The madman smiled happily and said: "I am a madman, but I am not a fool!"
Revelation: In fact, there are many people in the world who, because they find the fun in their work, will always show different enthusiasm from ordinary people, which is difficult to understand. Many people joke When they are crazy, others may still laugh at them. Being dull and smart is especially a good attitude in China.