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#Zblogphp error

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Zblogphp error
Solution to "unknown method or property (set_error_handler)" of zblogphp error

This error has been introduced in this website before( )Today, this article tries to explain this error in detail. Error prompt: error message (512) E_USER_WARNING: unknown method or property (set_error_handler) ( (Zero)) (Linux; Ap

Zblogphp Tutorial 2017-02-11 six thousand eight hundred and five 2 Comments

Zblogphp1.5 Call related articles with known bugs

Well, this is a known zblogphp 1.5 bug. Specifically, the normal "related articles" function under zblogphp1.4 fails after upgrading to zblogphp1.5. Instead of related articles, it calls the latest articles. After asking the zblog official, the reply is that this is a known bug and that it will be fixed in the next version (1.5.1) (doubtful). Well, tell me the solution. If you can do it

Zblogphp Tutorial 2016-11-26 five thousand six hundred and fifty-three 3 Comments

Zblogphp reports an error: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach
 Zblogphp reports an error: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach

This is one of the zblogphp error prompts collected by Tianxing Studio: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for each. The specific screenshot of the interface is as follows: to explain the cause and solution of this error. Cause of error: In your

Zblogphp Tutorial 2016-09-03 eleven thousand seven hundred and thirty-eight 1 Comments

Error message: (0) UNKNOWN: To enable this application, you need to enable dependent applications first!
 Error message: (0) UNKNOWN: To enable this application, you need to enable dependent applications first!

Since many friends are still asking this question, I will write a tutorial to explain it in detail. Many friends click Enable after installing a theme, and the following error message appears: (0) UNKNOWN: To enable this application, you need to enable the dependent application xxxxxxxx first, as shown in the following figure: In fact, this error mentions that

Zblogphp Tutorial 2016-08-05 six thousand one hundred and eighty-four 0 Comments

Zblogphp prompt: XML parsing error: XML or text declaration is not at the beginning of the entity

A customer went to Tianxing Studio and said that when the feed.php file of one of his zblogphp websites was opened, he was prompted: "XML parsing error: XML or text declaration is not at the beginning of the entity." Then he went to the background of his website to check, and found that the feed.php file was OK. When Firefox browser opened, it was prompted: "XML parsing error: XML or text declaration is not at the beginning of the entity..."

Zblogphp Tutorial 2016-07-30 six thousand and fifty-nine 0 Comments

What if zblogphp encounters an error? How to solve it?
 What if zblogphp encounters an error? How to solve it?

Many friends will encounter errors when using zblogphp, but they don't know where the problem is and how to solve it. This article tries to give you an idea. First of all, if there is an error in zblogphp, it will give an error prompt. If there is no error, please turn on "debug mode" in the background - website settings - global settings. When an error occurs after this mode is enabled, there will be a specific error prompt

Zblogphp Tutorial 2015-08-30 fifteen thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine 2 Comments

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