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#Host discount

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Host discount
Activity of giving 1000 yuan coupons to new users of Western Digital
 Activity of giving 1000 yuan coupons to new users of Western Digital

Western Digital is now offering 1000 yuan coupons to new registered users. Time: From December 27, 2018 to January 3, 2019 Participants: new users of Western Digital, that is, direct members who have not generated any consumption in Western Digital and have passed mobile phone and real name authentication (mobile phone number, ID card, payment account, bank card, terminal device, login IP and other information related to the account number are all

Idc promotional activities 2018-12-28 three thousand nine hundred and nine 0 Comments

Summary of preferential activities for server host purchase from September to October 2018
 Summary of preferential activities for server host purchase from September to October 2018

Gold is nine and silver is ten. Host service providers have launched various preferential activities in response to the situation. This article makes a summary, hoping that everyone can buy their own cheap and affordable servers. AliCloud: Activity introduction: AliCloud ECS 2 is folded, and you can choose one of more preferential configurations; Activity description: New and old users can purchase this activity after real name authentication. One order is limited, and the original price will be restored from the second order; The longer the time is, the more preferential it is. New users can buy 3 more; Activity price: 1 core, 1G

Preferential activities 2018-09-23 six thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight 1 Comments

Tianxing Internet's host 20% discount promotion in the first quarter of 2016 started!

After several years of development, the host products of Tianxing Internet have been loved by many webmasters. In order to give back the support of users, a special promotional activity was held in March. The details are as follows: Promotion time: March 10 to March 18, 2016 Participating members: All users Promotion details: There are no messy requirements. If you buy new virtual machines, VPS machines, and virtual machines during the activity period, use the coupon code "2016080

Preferential activities 2016-03-13 five thousand eight hundred and forty-two 2 Comments

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