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The zblog article content page, together with the user-defined field plug-in, defines keywords and descriptions separately

Tianxing Studio 2014-12-01 18:56 course nine thousand seven hundred and eleven 0 Comments

Of a web page“ key word And describe "These two things are said to have been abandoned by Baidu, but many people still attach great importance to them. This site has written many articles about zblog setting" keywords "and" descriptions ", and today we add another one: use the custom field plug-in to define the keywords and descriptions of each article separately.

Zblog is now divided into two versions, zblogasp and zblogphp Both versions have a "custom field" plug-in. The download address is as follows:

Zblogasp plug-in download address:

Zblogphp plug-in download address:

It is recommended to go to your own zblog background - application center - search "field" and find this plug-in to install and enable. Then open this plug-in and create two new fields according to the following screenshot:

OK, now we need to add this new field in the template. First, we need to find the header template file "header" of the theme being used (see the tutorial for how to find it: How to modify the zblogphp template? How to modify the zblog theme? Zblogasp topic modification method )Then copy all the contents in the "header", create a new template file of "header1", and modify the template file of the content page single ", replace" {template: header} "with" {template: header 1} ". Then add the following code under the page title (<title></title>):

 <meta name="description" content="{$article.Metas.gjc}" /> <meta name="keywords" content=" {$}" />

Then when you publish a new article in the background, you can use the following input box:

I don't know whether it's cost-effective to make such a complicated function. Well, friends who like to toss and turn can try it. If you don't think it's necessary, just take a look.

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