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Cn domain name is cancelled without reason

Tianxing Studio 2014-08-28 17:36 diary eight thousand seven hundred and seventy-three 2 Comments

It's really hard to look back:

I received an email saying that my website“ ”The registration of was cancelled, and the host service provider closed down my website again!

I am not in the mood to sleep, and I am afraid of disturbing the children.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, I quickly opened the computer to check the details. I found that the website could not be opened. I carefully looked at the email and found that it was just a reminder. I didn't explain why the registration was cancelled.

We have to think of countermeasures!

I first thought about re filing, but it seemed that it was too late. After 20 days of the filing process, the website almost died.

I can't help it. I have to get a Hong Kong and Taiwan host computer for emergency without filing.

The website relocation was completed at noon (I won't tell you how bad it is that the Hong Kong and Taiwan hosts can't connect to ftp under the CTT broadband)

It finally recovered at 10 noon.

Today I want to ask why the record was suddenly cancelled. The host provider replied to me as follows:

Whether the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will not give feedback on the reasons for cancellation to the access provider, so our company cannot inquire about the reasons for cancellation, but generally the reasons for cancellation of the record by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology are that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will irregularly check the contents of the record. If the original record information is untrue, not detailed and not complete, Or when the person in charge of the website said that the website had not been handled or even the direct phone number was empty and could not be contacted, the registration would be cancelled directly; Recently, the filing review has become more and more strict. If it is cancelled, please timely resubmit it with true and complete information; Thank you very much for your long-term support to our company. Please forgive the inconvenience caused to you! thank you!

Do you think it's over? also!

Found today Shopping button It's useless! The consulting provider said that for security reasons, websites that have not been filed will not use this code.

Fucking father!

Isn't it forcing me to build the order system myself? The problem is I won't!

Sincerely swear not to buy the cn domain name, why should we put the responsibility on the cn domain name? and are the same filing materials. cn has been cancelled. com is fine. Why don't you blame cn?

Fucking father!

yes two Comments from netizens:

  •  The website is online

    The website is online Five years ago (September 15, 2019) reply

    Don't frighten me. I just bought a CN digital domain name, which is willing to be cheap. After all, the five character easy to remember is only a few hundred yuan. Now it is being filed, and I don't know whether there will be an accident. In addition, I have also bought a template of the Big Brother, which has been built, and is adding content. After the filing is passed, it can be online. Pray and pray.

  •  Qiqu World

    Qiqu World 8 years ago (2016-08-07) reply

    Really pit!!

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