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Trojan black chain hackers and dedecms

Tianxing Studio 2013-11-22 04:22 course six thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven 8 Comments

Now hackers are really tough. We have been fighting for 2 days. Here's the thing:

Two days ago, I suddenly found that the home page of the main station of Tianxing Communication was hung with a black chain. I hurried to the background to find the black chain, delete it, regenerate it, and then modify the background address and the administrator password.

After 20 minutes, we found that the black chain was connected again.

Clear and change the password again. This time, the virtual host password is also changed.

Still like this after 20 minutes, headache

I couldn't stand playing this trick with that boring hacker yesterday. I found a security guy to spend money to kill trojans and fix loopholes in the website.

It was evening after finishing the work. I said that I would observe the next day, but I found that the black chain was hung again this morning, the hacker said earnestly.

Today, I spent the day in the process of deleting and updating the hacker's black chain. I couldn't stand it at night. I changed all the permissions of the html file, unable to read, write or execute. It seems quiet.

Hackers don't know what it is?

And I really want to find a website security giant. If you can solve this problem, please contact my online QQ.

It's tiring to do this every day

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yes eight Comments from netizens:

  •  visitor

    visitor 11 years ago (2014-03-19) reply

    What about so many websites made with dedecms?

    •  Tianxing Studio

      Tianxing Studio 11 years ago (2014-03-20) reply

      I really don't know what to do with webmasters who use dedecms, but many people come across the same problem to ask me what to do? Personally, I think it's the simplest and most effective way to change the authority. It's just a little troublesome to change it every day

      •  visitor

        visitor 11 years ago (2014-04-19) reply

        If you are an independent server or VPS, it is also safe to set permissions for each directory, especially for directories such as cluster, and delete files that are not needed in the background

        •  Tianxing Studio

          Tianxing Studio 11 years ago (2014-04-19) reply

          The virtual host is still in the process of modifying permissions every day, which is extremely secure!

        •  visitor

          visitor 11 years ago (2014-04-19) reply

          It should be OK

  •  The cat is elsewhere

    The cat is elsewhere 11 years ago (November 29, 2013) reply

    I did the same thing as you on the 20th. The key is that my website is still empty and there is nothing. Finally, there is no way to cancel the domain name resolution..

  •  Tianxing Studio

    Tianxing Studio 11 years ago (November 23, 2013) reply

    Thank you very much for your advice. Please clear the back door, and the result is the same. It seems that the file permissions are limited. At most, it is more troublesome to cancel the permissions when updating every day.

  •  minictest

    minictest 11 years ago (November 22, 2013) reply

    If the backup fails, the direct file comparison can be restored soon. The same is true of my friend's website, which has always been normal. If someone has been blackfaced, it is useless not to clean the back door but to remove the front display. It is better to collect the article again, download the template again, and then make a backup (it is also a backup when collecting). If there is a problem, it can be restored. I like how your website layout is practicing handwriting style. The file comparison tool can be Baidu. Pure kindness, communication can be done via email

    •  Tianxing Studio

      Tianxing Studio 11 years ago (November 23, 2013) reply

      Thank you very much for your advice. Please clear the back door, and the result is the same. It seems that the file permissions are limited. At most, it is more troublesome to cancel the permissions when updating every day.

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