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Method of setting 404 on zblog+pagoda panel

Tianxing Studio 2019-05-15 20:32 Zblogphp Tutorial five thousand six hundred and eighty-one 0 Comments

The pagoda panel is now a widely used linux server panel.

404 page is the page that the server cannot normally provide information when the client browses the web page, or the server cannot respond and does not know the reason..

This article introduces the method of setting 404 pages by zblog program+pagoda panel.

First, when you create a new site on the pagoda panel, there is a 404 page by default. The path is "/www/wwwroot/your website directory/404.html". If you have no special requirements for 404 pages, just use the default 404 page.

The general zblog template has 404 pages. When you need 404 pages as your template's 404 pages, you need to follow the steps below:

1. Log in to the pagoda background and open the "website" in the left navigation column;

2. Find the website you want to modify, click Settings -- click the configuration file, delete the code in the column below the red box:


Note: The above settings are only for the nginx environment. It seems that Apache does not need to make any settings to display the 404 pages provided with the zblog template.

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