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Zblog user center plug-in settings+Tianxing Studio video theme settings

Tianxing Studio 2017-06-27 22:29 Video Tutorials sixteen thousand two hundred and fifty-three 1 Comments

Section 8 of the zblog video series textbook: mainly about user center plug-in settings+Tianxing Studio video theme settings.

Text classification summary:

The process for station master to operate recharge card and vip card:

1. After installing the user center plug-in;

2. The background can publish paid articles:

3. Open the background -- upper right corner -- user center, you can see two options: recharge card and vip monthly card

4. Open recharge card and vip monthly card to generate card number;

5. Copy the top up card number to your Taobao store for sale. Taobao has the function of automatically issuing card passwords, or you can directly sell it on your website to pay for the card at one hand;

User usage process:

1. Users can purchase the recharge card number through the channel released by the webmaster;

2. Log in to the website to recharge;

3. After recharging successfully, you can purchase and browse the paid articles.

Supplementary notes:

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yes one Comments from netizens:

  •  Agui

    Agui Six years ago (2018-10-24) reply

    Let's learn. This program is not very familiar

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