Smart women's way of managing money

informal essay eleven thousand two hundred and fifty-nine 13 years ago (2011-05-24)

If you can determine your own wealth goal, I will recommend a method to enable you to plan a series of goals to make yourself leap forward towards your dream in the next few years. I promise -- if you follow the rules I put forward, your life It will be full of surprises and happiness after one year.

  Rule 1: Only what is written down is the goal, otherwise it will be just an empty talk.

If you don't write down your wish, you won't waste time thinking about it again. You're kidding yourself. You must write down your goals. Think about it. How many times have you had a "wonderful idea" that you thought would make a lot of money and forgotten it after only a week. Why? Because you didn't write it down. If your goal is worth your effort and time, then it is worth writing it down -- if you don't, who should write it down?

In short, writing down goals will make them more realistic and will easily motivate you to work hard to achieve them. So from now on, you must be committed to putting all your goals on record. Without any excuse.

   Rule 2: The goal must be detailed, quantifiable and verifiable.

Even if you write them down, if you can't make your wishes concrete, or if you can't quantify or test what you write down, then they are still not goals, but only hopes.

For example, writing "I want to become rich in 2010" is meaningless. You should write something more detailed - for example, "I will set aside 10% of my total monthly income, and in three years, I will save 48000 dollars, reaching the minimum amount of pre tax pension account."

The key problem is that if the goal is vague, it will not be easy to achieve. You must be able to accurately explain your ultimate goal to others (the most important person is actually yourself). If you don't know your exact goal at all, how can you judge whether you have achieved it?  

   Rule 3: Take action immediately in the next 48 hours and move towards the target.

Let's assume your goal is to buy a vacation home in Lake Tahoe. So this is a long-term goal: in reality, you can't expect to achieve it in at least five years. But that doesn't mean you have nothing to do now. In the next 48 hours, start working for this goal. For example, you can call the Lake Tahoe Chamber of Commerce to ask some reputable real estate List of agents. Then you can choose to call some agents to see if you can get some information about the houses for sale, and see if it can meet your price requirements and interest you. You can also subscribe to the newspapers in the Lake Tahoe area to keep track of what is happening there.

There are many things you can do, but the key is to do them. Take action to make your written goals look more realistic and certain.

   Rule 4: Place your goals where you can see them every day.

I put my goal table in the palm computer and wrote it on a piece of paper, which was pasted on the wall, so that I could see it every day. Some people I know also stick their goal lists on the bathroom mirror. The key is that you can see your goals every day. By browsing every day (preferably when you wake up in the morning), you can constantly set your goals in life. As a result, you will find yourself subconsciously looking for relevant information and relationships that can help you achieve your goals. In addition, reviewing your goals every day will make them clearer and eventually become very personalized and realistic.

   Rule 5: Tell your goal to the people you love and trust.

If you don't tell anyone what your goal is, how can friends and colleagues support and help you?

The first time I learned the importance of this rule was in Tony Robbins' series of workshops entitled "Appointment of Destiny". Tony was talking about "setting goals" at that time. He told everyone, "If you treat goals as secrets, you will ignore what can help you Sociology 。”

At that time, Tony divided us into several groups and asked everyone to talk about their biggest dream or goal of the year. When my group gathered together, I hesitated to declare: "I want to write a book about women's investment, called Smart Women conduct financial transactions The Way " Ten minutes later, when the members of the group scattered, an incredible thing happened. A woman named Vicky St. George patted me on the shoulder. She said, "I just heard that you wanted to write a book on women's finance. I have worked with Tony for 10 years, and now I run my own writing business company , called JustWrite. I want to work with you to help you write this book. "