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KVMLA - Hong Kong Kvm 1GB memory 40GB hard disk unlimited traffic 2Mbps 72 yuan/month

For KVMLA Domestic VPS Suppliers and ordinary users should be familiar with the brand products of President K, which are relatively famous in the industry. Lao Zuo's blog has published a lot of promotional information about his family before, including the OVZ product of the independent Vermont computer room with an IP of 54 yuan and 10 yuan in the previous quarter. Many users like to buy it. I see that most blogs are publishing their KVM Hong Kong VPS The products are also sorted and released by Lao Zuo here.

First, KVMLA common VPS scheme

  • Machine room: Hong Kong
  • CPU: 2 core CPU
  • Memory: 1024MB
  • Hard disk: 40G RAID10
  • Flow: unlimited
  • Bandwidth: 2Mbps
  • Architecture: KVM
  • Number of IPs: 1 independent IP
  • Price: 72 yuan/month
  • Machine room: Fremont
  • CPU: 2 core CPU
  • Memory: 512MB/512MB vswap
  • Hard disk: 50GB
  • Flow: 1000GB
  • Port: 100Mbps
  • Architecture: OpenVZ+SolusVM
  • Number of IPs: 1 independent IP
  • Price: 18 yuan/month

This time, a 10% discount promotion is launched for Hong Kong KVM scheme, which needs to be used VWTNKK8XL0 Only discount codes can be enjoyed, and OVZ worth 18 yuan a month is also good if you need to toss or play.

Second, KVMLA Hong Kong VPS host test PING

KVMLA Hong Kong IP test:

 PING test of KVMLA Hong Kong VPS machine room

The speed of Hong Kong is definitely unspeakable, and the price positioning of KVMLA does not compete with other merchants. The main purpose is to ensure the overall performance. We should know that low prices make sense.

Third, KVMLA Hong Kong machine room MTR tracking

 |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |                                       WinMTR statistics                                   | |                        Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last | |------------------------------------------------|------|------|------|------|------|------| |                    -    0 |    8 |    8 |    0 |    1 |    2 |    1 | |                    -    0 |    8 |    8 |    2 |    4 |    7 |    6 | |                  -    0 |    8 |    8 |    8 |    9 |   12 |    8 | |                    -    0 |    8 |    8 |    7 |    7 |    8 |    8 | |                   -    0 |    8 |    8 |   26 |   35 |   84 |   27 | |                   -    0 |    8 |    8 |   27 |   27 |   28 |   27 | |                  -    0 |    8 |    8 |   37 |   38 |   41 |   38 | |                  -    0 |    8 |    8 |   33 |   45 |  118 |   33 | |                    -    0 |    8 |    8 |   35 |   35 |   37 |   37 | |                   -    0 |    8 |    8 |   34 |   34 |   36 |   34 | |                   -    0 |    8 |    8 |   35 |   35 |   37 |   35 | |                  -    0 |    8 |    8 |   35 |   36 |   38 |   35 | |________________________________________________|______|______|______|______|______|______| WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

Fourth, KVMLA official website address


Domain name host preferential information push QQ group: six hundred and twenty-seven million seven hundred and seventy-five thousand four hundred and seventy-seven Get preferential promotion from merchants.
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