Focus on cloud service provider activities
Notes on website operation and maintenance

NameCheap 2024 New Year Activity - Domain name SSL enterprise post office all debut activities

As Chinese websites become more and more difficult to do, Lao Zuo will not take Chinese websites as the main maintenance object in succession. This year, we will also start to turn to We Media or sea going business. A few days ago, we planned to register several domain names for English websites. This is not always waiting for promotional activities. Here we see the New Year's activities released by the NameCheap service provider, including domain names, corporate post offices, SSL certificates, and virtual hosts.

 NameCheap 2024 New Year Activity - Domain name SSL enterprise post office all debut activities

Here, let's see what activities are there.

1. Domain Name Activity

No discount is required for newly registered domain names, and shopping carts are added directly at the current event. COM domain name is about 71 yuan, NET domain name is about 80 yuan, ORG domain name is about 49 yuan, a little discount, but not very big.

2. Virtual host

The access speed of NameCheap virtual host in China is relatively slow, which is suitable for European and American businesses. The annual payment is more than 100 yuan.

3. Enterprise Post Office

The enterprise post office started from the Professional Email Pro program, with three users and an annual payment of more than 200 yuan. The original price of single user's non participation is more than 100 yuan a year.

4. SSL Certificate

I prefer their SSL certificates. PositiveSSL is suitable for single domain names. The annual discount is about 40 yuan. However, if you need to activate the SSL certificate every year after years of purchase, most certificates need it.

Domain name host preferential information push QQ group: six hundred and twenty-seven million seven hundred and seventy-five thousand four hundred and seventy-seven Get preferential promotion from merchants.
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