Detailed tutorial of Xiaomi 9 Brush Magisk (mask)

October 24, 2019 20072 point heat 43 people like it 3 comments

Detailed tutorial of Xiaomi 9 Brush Magisk,

 Detailed Course of Xiaomi 9 Brush Magisk (Mask)

Preview of mask
First, the phone must unlock the BL lock before continuing:
Xiaomi Official BL Unlocking Tutorial: View Links
Start operation after unlocking:
1. Download the magic mask package from your mobile phone for use:
Link: View Links
Extraction code: 4396

2. Download the third-party REC one click wire brush kit from the computer:
Link: View Links Extraction code: tdd5

Download the REC one click flash tool kit on the computer side

3. Unpack the toolkit downloaded from the computer. 7z
4. Open USB debugging in the mobile phone developer option, plug in the data cable to connect to the computer, and select charging only as the connection mode.
5. Open the decompressed "REC One Key Brush Tool" on the computer and press any keyboard to continue. At this time, it will detect whether the connection between the computer and the phone is normal, such as being stuck in English letters... It means that your brush driver is not installed normally, so I won't tell you how to install it.
6. After the connection is successful, you will be asked to select the power on status or the fastboot status. You can choose any one here

 Detailed Course of Xiaomi 9 Brush Magisk (Mask)

Preview of One Click Brush Tool

7. After swiping REC according to the prompt, the phone will restart and enter REC mode

 Detailed Course of Xiaomi 9 Brush Magisk (Mask)

Succeeded in painting the effect picture

8. Enter the password here (your lock screen password) and press √ at the bottom right corner to automatically unlock the Data partition

 Detailed Course of Xiaomi 9 Brush Magisk (Mask)

Enter your lock screen password

9. This step is right → slide

 Detailed Course of Xiaomi 9 Brush Magisk (Mask)

Direct right slide next step

10. Select Install here, and select the magisk mask package you downloaded before. zip

 Detailed Course of Xiaomi 9 Brush Magisk (Mask)

Select Install, select the magic mask package

11. After selecting the mask bag in 19.3 (no need to check, all defaults), directly slide the button to brush in

 Detailed Course of Xiaomi 9 Brush Magisk (Mask)

Sliding brush into mask frame

12. After the mask is successfully painted in, a restart button will appear in the lower right corner. Click Restart, and the mask has been successfully painted in! After startup, there will be an additional mask on the desktop. Open the mask

 Detailed Course of Xiaomi 9 Brush Magisk (Mask)

Preview of successful brushing

13. The mask software and framework are not the latest version, so they need to be updated (it doesn't matter if they are not updated). If they need to be updated, first select the second installation button, install it, and then replace the old version after installation, and then go in to install the first one, select Install, install directly, and it will be automatically refreshed. Restart the phone after completion!
Select the module in the mask, click the "+" button below, select the various modules you downloaded, and then the module will be automatically refreshed. Restart after brushing!

 Detailed Course of Xiaomi 9 Brush Magisk (Mask)

Module Interface

The original text is reproduced from:


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Article comments

  • Sprinkle baking soda

    The folder displays a bunch of garbled codes. Zip cannot be found

    May 28, 2020
  • Kaka message

    It was not easy to update an article, and the final results were reproduced! Continue fishing :lol:

    November 3, 2019
    • Gcod

      @Kaka message I don't know what to write

      November 19, 2019