Using LinuxDeploy to deploy Linux systems on Android computers

January 30, 2018 4752 point heat 2 people like 6 comments

preparation in advance

  • One Android phone with ROOT
  • WiFi that is stable enough
  • XShell (other SSH tools can also be used according to your preference)

Get started

First, go to Github of the project to download an APK installation package and install it on your Android phone
The download address is:
Screenshot after opening

Click the lower right corner to enter the configuration page

Please change the release version
Also, remember to check Enable SSH

Then select Install in the upper right corner

No error is reported in the log. If<<<deploy is displayed, the installation is completed. Click the configuration in the menu, and then click Start,

Then you can use SSH to connect to your Linux server

Have fun~



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Article comments

  • Intoxicated with Chinese style

    Interesting, but I don't want to pretend

    February 5, 2018
    • Gcod

      @Intoxicated with Chinese style Mmhmm~

      February 5, 2018
  • Interesting headlines

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    Interesting headlines

    February 1, 2018
  • Ji Changxin

    Typecho converted to Wordpress successfully
    Ps: Friendly link has been changed to internal page

    January 31, 2018
    • Gcod

      @Ji Changxin Your head is gone

      February 1, 2018
      • Ji Changxin

        @Gcod What avatar? Gravatar? I haven't

        February 1, 2018