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Failed to install php on the pagoda panel: No package 'libjpeg' found

Tianxing Studio 2020-04-03 16:18 course six thousand and forty-three 0 Comments

lately zblogphp Upgrade to 1.6( Zblog version 1.6 is finally online ), zblog 1.6 It supports the latest version of PHP 7.4. The official said that the speed has improved, so I wanted to test it.

The server uses Pagoda panel , on pagoda Panel -- When installing the PHP 7.4 version in the software store, the message box clearly indicates that the installation of [php 7.4] [completed] takes 34 seconds. However, when you go to the software store to see PHP 7.4, it still displays the "installation" status. This is a status indicating that the installation was successful but not completed.

After a lot of trouble, share the solution, hoping to help you with the same problem.

1. Open the message box in the pagoda background and click "Execution Log". There will be specific information Error prompt My error is as follows:

No package 'libjpeg' found

Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
installed software in a non-standard prefix.

Alternatively, you may set the environment variables JPEG_CFLAGS
and JPEG_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
See the pkg-config man page for more details.
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.   Stop.
make: *** No rule to make target `install'.   Stop.

Under the translation, it said that the package "libjpeg" could not be found. The visual inspection showed that the PHP 7.4 version must rely on this package, but the error caused by this package could not be found in the installation environment.

2. Solution

SSH links to the server, enter "yum install libjpeg libjpeg devel", and then enter "y" when prompted "[y/d/N]" to complete the installation of libjpeg package. The specific process is as follows:

 Failed to install php on the pagoda panel: No package libjpeg found

After the installation, you can go to the pagoda background to install "php7.4", which means that the installation is really complete

Ps: Everyone's system environment is different, and there may be different error prompts. Please use the corresponding solutions according to your own error prompts. This article only provides an idea.

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