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Zblog wiki: This is a collection of documents about the installation, setting, modification, debugging and other steps of zblog. You may also find the corresponding answers to the problems you encounter when using zblog.

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Online installation steps of zblog Online installation tutorial of single file of zblog

Tianxing Studio 2020-02-18 Zblog installation five thousand one hundred and eighty-seven 0 Comments

The previous section talked about installation zblog The required environment and preparations are needed. Next, you need to install the zblog program.

Zblog installation There are two methods: online installation and downloading the complete file package. Online installation is recommended.

The following are the detailed steps for online installation of zblog:

1. Download the installation file.

Open the program download page on the official zblog website: To download Z-BlogPHP, select "Z-BlogPHP Online Installer" and click Open to jump to the download page of the official zblog forum. This download step is actually a little cumbersome, so go directly to the download address of the online zblog installation file

2. Upload file

Uncompress the downloaded file to get the "install. php" file. Upload this file to the root directory of your host.

3. Start Installation

Open a browser and enter "http://your domain name /Install. php ", and the following page will appear:

 Zblog online installation steps zblog single file online installation tutorial zblog online installation installation zblog zblog installation zblog installation installation page 1

Click the Start Installation button to automatically download the zblog installation file. After the download, the following page appears:

 Zblog online installation steps zblog single file online installation tutorial zblog online installation installation zblog zblog installation zblog installation page 2

Check "I have read and agree to this agreement" and click Next to come to the following interface:

 Zblog online installation steps zblog single file online installation tutorial zblog online installation installation zblog zblog installation zblog installation page 3

The above figure means to check your server environment and components, and check the permissions and some necessary functions. When all the items are checked to be green, you can click Next to come to the following interface:

 Zblog online installation steps zblog single file online installation tutorial zblog online installation installation zblog zblog installation zblog installation page 4

Fill in the database host, database user name, database password, and database name (which will be provided by the server provider) according to the text prompt. Then set your own Site Title , administrator name, administrator password, and then click Next.

You will be prompted that the zblog installation is successful.

Supplementary notes:

If an error is reported in the last step, it is usually caused by the wrong information in the database. Please carefully check and verify whether the information in the database is correct. If you are not sure, you can ask your server provider more.

Extended reading:

What if zblog installation opens install. php, which is full of code?

The reason and solution for the zblog installation prompt "Failed to create c_option.php"

Relevant tables and data already exist in the database. Please change the table prefix or replace and empty the database before installing

Do you want to delete the zb_install folder after the zblog installation is completed?

Reprint: The webpage cannot be opened after entering "http://domain name/install. asp" for zblog program installation

Zblog video tutorial series: zblogphp program installation steps

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