Philosophy of the GNU Project

Free softwaremeans that the software's users havefreedom. (The issue is not about price.) We developed the GNUoperating system so that users can have freedom in theircomputing.

Specifically, free software means users havethefour essential freedoms:(0) to run the program, (1) to study and change the program in sourcecode form, (2) to redistribute exact copies, and (3) to distributemodified versions.

Software differs from material objects—such as chairs,sandwiches, and gasoline—in that it can be copied and changedmuch more easily. These facilities are why software is useful; webelieve a program's users should be free to take advantage of them,not solely its developer.

The articles in the short list below give an overview of GNUphilosophy. For further reading, please check the menu above, especiallyEssays &Articles, andSpeeches & Interviews.

See theAudio & Video sectionfor recordings of Richard Stallman's speeches.
