Laugh along with GNU

This section is designed to provide some laughs to the workinghackers. It contains software, documentation, music, poems, etc. submittedby GNU users and collected by GNU contributors over the years.

Nowadays there are many places on the internet where people can publishjokes, so before submitting a joke to us, please consider publishing itsomewhere else. Jokes submitted by GNU contributors will have a priority.Please read theGuidelinesfor details on oursubmission policy.

Many of the graphics in theGNUArt Galleryalso have humorous twists.




Science and Engineering




The Fourth Estate

Dictionary and Word Play



Humor Submission Guidelines

This is our policy to include something in the fun section:

  1. It should be funny.
  2. It has no copyright problems.
  3. It is not libelous.
  4. It won't offend most ordinary hackers more than is reasonable inhumor.
  5. Although the humor does not have to be strictly connected to thecomputers world, we strongly prefer to reserve these pages for jokesrelated to free software, GNU, the UNIX environment, and similarfields.

***  And we'll end this page with a perfectDisclaimer!  ***